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Brandi Reeds Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Dark Corners Books

Hannah-Beast (By: Jennifer McMahon)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Sleep Tight Motel (By: Lisa Unger)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
There's a Giant Trapdoor Spider Under Your Bed (By: Edgar Cantero)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Miao Dao (By: Joyce Carol Oates)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Tangled Woods (By: Emily Raboteau)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Remedy (By: Adam Haslett)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Oak Avenue(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Brandi Reeds is a female American author of fiction. A native of Chicago, she enjoys reading, traveling, dancing, and writing. She also offers writing workshops to local schools free of charge so that students can discover their potential love of writing.

She resides in Illinois along with her family and their pets. She writes quite often, but when she is not doing that, Reeds teaches English at college. She also works as a cabinetry specialist as well as a consultant for kitchen design.

Reeds is known for writing novels for young adults. She frequently chooses to release these books under another name, the pen name of Sasha Dawn. She attended school where she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in the subjects of English and history and moved on to study writing, graduating with her Master’s degree from the prestigious Seton Hill University.

Her first novel to ever be published was titled Oblivion and was published under her pen name. It was a psychological thriller that received a lot of positive attention from a lot of sources. The book was chosen to be one of the top recommended books for teens by the New York public library, and the novel was also recommended and endorsed as well as featured by multiple literary-associated groups and organizations. She has written several more novels under the Dawn pseudonym.

Brandi Reed’s first novel written under her own name came in 2018 in the form of a full-length novel. The book is titled Trespassing. This suspense thriller novel of fiction is going to lead you down a road full of twists and turns that will have you turning the next page to find out what happens.

The main character in this book is named Veronica Cavanaugh. She is a young woman that is married to her husband and has a child. But when her husband appears to go missing out of the blue, she is determined to find out what happened to him and hopefully bring him home. Their family needs a male figure as she does not want to be a widow and a single mother if it can be avoided. However, the path to tracking him down may be more dangerous than Veronica ever expected.

It’s not like things were great before he disappeared. Veronica has had years of slowly feeling that she is losing her grip on reality. She was fortunate to give birth to her daughter Elizabella three years prior, but she and her husband wanted another child as well. The only problem was that Veronica was not as fertile as she was with her first and getting pregnant was going to be more difficult. Naturally, the couple turned to fertility treatments as couples do when they can afford the expensive process.

But the price tag of getting fertility treatments translates to more than just dollars. It’s well known that these treatments mess with the hormones and women go through a lot. Wild mood swings and feelings and physical side effects are just some of what women who are going through this process experience. It can be a wild ride, and for Veronica, she finds out that she is no different.

To top it off, the treatments failed to work. Now Veronica feels not only downcast that the treatments failed but also somewhat unlike herself. She feels tense and nervous. It seems like she is always on edge and where everything seemed somewhat upright before, now everything feels slightly unbalanced.

Things get even stranger when she finds out that her daughter has a new friend. However, it’s not a playmate or a neighbor’s child– it turns out that the friend her daughter has made is imaginary. She’s a little unnerved by the situation, as her daughter’s friend seems actually a bit malicious. It turns out that the mother of one has more to worry about still when her husband never comes back from what is supposed to be a routine trip away on business.

All at once, it seems like everything has totally flipped. Veronica’s world starts to fall apart as soon as her husband doesn’t come back– and she hasn’t heard anything from him to prove that he’s coming back, let alone still alive. Veronica struggles to understand and cannot stop thinking of potential reasons why he would not be home with his family like he was supposed to be.

Any chance of stability is now gone and Veronica is totally alone. No one seems to know what has happened to her spouse. It’s like he has vanished into thin air. Things get significantly worse when Elizabella begins to tell her that her father is dead. How would she know something like that? Is the little girl capable of psychically feeling what has happened, or is she just trying to come up with a reason why her father is gone?

Veronica has no idea what to do and her only hope is to try and contact the authorities and find out what happened. She is not going to let this go. But with mental illness running through her family, Veronica thinks that this situation is very strange. It’s possible that her husband never came back. Then again, it’s also possible that she never had a husband at all.

Is it potentially true that she could be imagining this entire scenario? Could she have a family for real, or is the daughter and the life and the spouse all a manifestation of her mental illness? The paranoia is mounting and Veronica is no longer sure what’s real. She also thinks that someone wants her daughter and herself killed– but can she trust that those are the facts?

As she goes further into the search, Veronica is starting to wonder whether she might have more of the answers than her mind is letting her know about. Could she be the one with the key to solving this entire mystery? Can she find out what happened? As she grows closer to the answers, she isn’t sure that she wants to know.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Brandi Reeds

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