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Beverly Lewis Books In Order

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Publication Order of Holly's Heart Books

Holly's First Love / Best Friend, Worst Enemy(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
Secret Summer Dreams(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sealed with a Kiss(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Trouble With Weddings(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
California Crazy(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Second-Best Friend(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Good-Bye, Dressel Hills(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Straight-A Teacher(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
No Guys Pact(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Little White Lies(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Freshman Frenzy(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mystery Letters(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Eight is Enough(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Its a Girl Thing(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Cul-de-sac Kids Books

The Double Dabble Surprise(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Chicken Pox Panic(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Crazy Christmas Angel Mystery(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Frog Power(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of Case D. Luc(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
No Grown-ups Allowed(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Stinky Sneakers Mystery(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pickle Pizza(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mailbox Mania(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mudhole Mystery(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fiddlesticks(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Crabby Cat Caper(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tarantula Toes(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Green Gravy(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Backyard Bandit Mystery(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tree House Trouble(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Creepy Sleep-Over(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Great TV Turn-Off(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Piggy Party(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Granny Game(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mystery Mutt(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Big Bad Beans(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Upside-Down Day(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Midnight Mystery(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Summerhill Secrets Books

Whispers Down the Lane(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Secret in the Willows(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Catch a Falling Star(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Night of the Fireflies(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Cry in the Dark(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
House of Secrets(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Echoes in the Wind(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hide Behind the Moon(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Windows on the Hill(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Shadows Beyond the Gate(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Heritage of Lancaster County Books

Chronological Order of The Heritage of Lancaster County Books

Publication Order of Girls Only Books

Publication Order of Amish Christmas Books

The Christmas House(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Amish Country Crossroads Books

Publication Order of Abram's Daughters Books

Publication Order of Annie's People Books

The Preacher's Daughter(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Englisher(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Brethren(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Courtship of Nellie Fisher Books

Publication Order of Seasons of Grace Books

Publication Order of Rose Trilogy Books

Publication Order of Home To Hickory Hollow Books

Publication Order of Sylvia Miller Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Childrens Books

Cows in the House(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Annika's Secret Wish(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Just Like Mama(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
What is Heaven Like?(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
In Jesse's Shoes(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
What Is God Like?(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

The Beverly Lewis Amish Heritage Cookbook(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Amish Prayers(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
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About Beverly Lewis:

Fiction is one of the most interesting genres in the literary world because even the unreal can be used to create amazing stories. Many authors have established themselves well in this genre covering fiction in the areas of crime, romance and science among many others. However, only a handful of authors have made a name for themselves in the writing of Christian fiction. Beverly Lewis is one such great author. She also writes children’s stories and has more than eighty books attributed to her authorship.

Biography of Lewis

Born as Beverly Marie Jones, Lewis is a self-professed christian, born and raised in a Christian family. Lancaster, Pennsylvania is her place of birth which is found right in the middle of Amish Country. Truly the talented child, Lewis was able to play the piano by the age of five and created lyrics to the piano piece ‘little fingers’. By the time she was nine years old, she could write poetry as well as short stories.

Well, right into her adult years, Lewis confesses that the three things; piano playing, reading and writing count as the best three entities in her list of favorite things. Later in life, Lewis progressed to become a schoolteacher and a well accomplished musician. Beverly Lewis later attended Evangel University for her higher education. She then married David Lewis and together they had three children and settled in Colorado.

Both Lewis and her husband are musicians and great fans of fiction books. Many of Lewis’s books reflect life as per the Anabaptist heritage and Amish, the old church order. This is inspired by her affiliation to the Assemblies of God community where she attended church while growing up and still does.

The literary works of Beverly Lewis

Mrs Lewis has most of her writings in the form of book series. Some of her work has been adapted into movies and she has continued to endear her fans with her style of writing. Several awards have been accorded to her based on her continual great work. In 2003, her university alma mater awarded her with the Distinguished Alumnus Award. The year 2007 saw her receive the Christy Award for contemporary novel series.

A good number of her novels have been highly rated catapulting her to the top positions in platforms such as the New York Times, USA Today and ECPA Best Seller lists. In 2009, she was listed at 8th position in the list of top ten Christian authors. One of her novels was deemed Crossing Book of the Year while another one qualified as Inspirational Reader’s Choice in 2004. Mrs Lewis’s writings have for a long time been published by Bethany House publishers. Her novels encompass Christian fiction books suitable for everyone, adults included, children’s books and youth fiction.

The following is a list of the series of books written by Lewis: The Heritage of Lancaster County series The Amish Country Crossroads series Abram’s Daughters series Annie’s People series The Courtship of Nellie Fisher series Seasons of Grace series The Rose Trilogy Home to Hickory Hollow series The Cul-de-sac Kids series Girls Only (GO) series Holly’s Heart series Summerhill Secrets series In as much as Beverly Lewis had been writing since childhood, she got to first publish her work when her children were comfortably settled in middle school. She started publishing in magazines like Guideposts for Kids and Dolphin Log where most of her work encompassed children’s stories. In 1993, she signed up with Bethany House and made her debut into the world of adult Christian fiction.

From then onwards, she produced series after series and at some point diversified her writings to include youth fiction. Several of her novels have movie adaptations; Saving Sarah Cain based on the novel ‘The Redemption of Sarah Cain’, The Shunning and The Confession adapted from the first and second novels respectively, in the Heritage of Lancaster Country series. The Covenant is Lewis’s first book in the Abram’s Daughters series.

It introduces the dominant theme of this series which is the preservation of an old-time faith by Abram’s daughters amidst the challenges of growing up. The setting is that of a close knit family of the Old Order who highly esteem their faith and timeless way of life. The series narrates life as Abram Ebersol and his wife try their best to bring up their four daughters of marriageable age in line with the highly revered faith and lifestyle.

In the Covenant, two of the Abram sisters, Sadie and Leah struggle to hold themselves together as they face the intrigue of falling in love. Sadie is swept off her feet by an English boy and her innocence is lost amidst all the beguiling she receives. She becomes pregnant but keeps it a secret. On the other hand, Leah just like her sisters is expected to align herself to the faith her family so highly esteems. This she has to do by making a covenant with God.

However she becomes the victim of circumstances when she discovers Sadie’s predicament and has to enter a pact with Sadie not to disclose the secret. Unfortunately, this is against the expectation of her faith. Meanwhile, the love of Leah’s life, Jonas Mast, leaves for Ohio sent by the local Bishop to pursue a training in carpentry. The unfolding events portray the impact of faith and a closely bonded family in influencing the life decisions of the two Abram sisters.

Beverly Lewis’s second book in the series continues the saga of Abram’s daughters. The Betrayal focuses on the love story between Leah and Jonas. As Jonas takes six months off to Ohio for apprenticeship, the long distance gradually takes the toll on them. Letters exchanged between them give hope that their love will stand the test of time. Unfortunately, the prospects of her having a smooth entrance into marriage are dimmed as she is faced with a dark secret.

Her sister Sadie got a child out of wedlock; a taboo amongst her staunch Christian community yet she keeps it a secret. For her conscience to be clear before she makes a commitment into marriage, Leah has to tell the truth about Sadie to her family and the church.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Beverly Lewis

10 Responses to “Beverly Lewis”

  1. Heather Land Brock Roesler: 5 months ago

    I have loved every book of yours that I have read. I have read more than I currently have, though lending them here and there through out the years I am now missing a few. I have THREE Authors that I have collected. All of your books, all of Phyllis Whitney, and all of Jeanette Oke’s. I guess I like books without all the ugliness of the outside world. I have read many of those authors, oh and OF COURSE, laura Ingalls Wilder’s. How could I forget hers as well? LOL!

    I have them in a notebook and I mark them off when I find them. Though, I think that now that Amazon and Ebay are around I will simply search and repurchase ones that I have not found.

    Thanks for all the WONDERFUL hours I have spent engrossed in all of your novels. I have spent countless hours, days, and months in your “world”.

    Thank you,

  2. Sue Ann Evans: 5 months ago

    I Love reading your books. I am sad when it ends. I have read 4 of the Abram’s Daughters and am wanting to read #5 The Revelation. Is this book ready for sale?

  3. Donna Chambers: 3 years ago

    I have been reading everything that Beverly Lewis writes, its a job to keep me interested in something but you do. I am working now to get caught up on the last publications and im so excited, it takes me out of my world for a while and i get the front seat to a fascinating place. Thanks!!!

    • Elsie: 3 years ago

      I have read many of Beverly Lewis books. I just got a complete list of all her books and I’m going to start at the beginning and read to the end. Love everything I have read.

  4. Mary Carpenter: 3 years ago

    I just finished reading “The Redemption of Sarah Cain”, and have also read the Lancaster County Series. I enjoyed them very much, but want to know if you have written any more books about Sarah Cain? I am wanting to hear about the continuing story of she and her five step children.

  5. Linda Suddarth: 3 years ago

    Beverly Lewis is favorite author. I have read all of her Amish fiction books. They are so uplifting, as well as, informative! Can’t wait for her next book!!!

  6. Lou: 4 years ago

    I just finished “Sanctuary “ and really enjoyed it. But you kind of left in the air at the end. What happened to Mellie and Ryan James after the trial? Did they get back together or what?

    • Leea: 3 years ago

      In author’s mind or what? This is a story book…..

    • Kim: 3 years ago

      Yes Lou, they got back together. At the very end of the book, she meets him at Napatree Beach. The last sentence says, “Safe in the protection of his tender embrace, she felt the promise of a new beginning as husband and wife, under God.” I’m like you, I like to know the end. I believe Beverly Lewis likes for us to use our imaginations to think through the ending ourselves. When I read, I become part of the story too. It’s what reading good books is all about. 😊

  7. JoAllen Winter: 4 years ago

    I love reading her books.She is a great author


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