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Bárbara Mujica Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Collections

Sanchez Across The Street(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Women Writers of Early Modern Spain(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Imagining Iraq(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Collateral Damage(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Barbara Mujica is best known as a short story writer, essayist, novelist, and critic. The author has become best known for her biographies about popular artists and artworks such as Diego Velasquez the Spanish painter and his work “The Rokeby Venus.”
The work would become a winner of a historical fiction award at the Fiction Competition of the Maryland Writers’ Association in 2012.

According to a review of Kirkus, her prose is intense and vigorous while her stories tend to be paradoxically both illuminating and dark.

Over the years, Mujica’s short stories have been featured in a range of magazines including “The Literary Review,” “Pangolin Papers,” “The Minnesota Review,” and “o-Dark-Thirty.”

Mujia has also had some of her stories featured in popular anthologies such as “Where Angels Glide a Dawn,” where Isabel Allende penned the introduction. “Bilingualism Goal” her essay made the list of the best 50 op-eds of the decade compiled by “The New York Times.”

In addition to winning all manner of gongs for her works, Barbara Mujica has also been a winner of several awards and grants.

The likes of Georgetown University, the Spanish Government, and Writers and Poets of New York are among the many institutions that have feted her.

Barbara holds the honor of being nominated for the Pushcart Prize for Fiction and her essays have been featured in the likes of The Huffington Post, The New York Times, Commonweal, The Washington Post, The Dallas Morning Star, and the Miami Herald.
Aside from her interest in writing, Mujica is also an avid reviewer. Over the years, she has interviewed all manner of Latin American authors and reviewed many books from the region too.

Over seven years between 1990 and 1997, she had more than 130 interviews and reviews published in several publications including Books of the Americas. She has become a frequent reviewer for the “Washington Independent Review of Books” and “Sixteenth Century Journal.”
At some point, she worked on the Latin American Handbook as editor and her articles on Hispanic language and culture have appeared in hundreds of reputable magazines and newspapers.

Barbara Mujica currently works at Georgetown University as a professor specializing in early modern Spanish literature.

On campus, she is responsible for setting up the student veteran’s program which was named the top university for veterans in the US. She got involved with veterans’ issues following the return of her son from the War in Iraq.

She has taken charge of the veterans’ organizations on campus and is a faculty advisor and associate facilitator of several veterans groups that include administrators and students interested in veterans’ issues.

Barbara also works closely with Georgetown University’s administration to create a veteran-friendly campus. She also frequently publishes and speaks on veteran-related topics.

In 2016, Georgetown University’s Faculty of Linguistics and Languages honored her with a Distinguished Service Award.

“Frida” by Barbara Mujica is an interesting work inspired by the life of Frida Kahlo as told from the perspective of her constant companion and younger sister Christina Kahlo.

At its core, the work is speculation on what it must have been for the younger sister to live in the shadow of her very famous sister.

Frida was an artist that was exceptional in that she used to write art in a way that would get kids inspired. She introduced her style and it would soon become the big way that most other artists preferred to do their work.

Her vibrant colors and art inspired other people to want to do art just like she did and it was heartbreaking when she lost her life in an accident. Nonetheless, her work in the arts continues to live on and inspire many other people that follow in her footsteps.
The story shows her life in the form of art as it captures the essence of Frida and portrays her as an exceptionally gifted woman.

It is a brilliantly inventive and daring novel that tells the story of a woman that has to be one of the 20th century’s most celebrated female artists. As such, it was no wonder that the work was optioned and will be made into a movie starring Salma Hayek.

Barbara Mujica’s work Miss del Rio is a novel set in 1910, Mexico during a time of revolution. With the revolution spreading, the daughter of a wealthy banker named Dolores is forced to flee her comfortable life or risk death, living in Durango.
The family makes their new home in Mexico City and the sixteen-year-old gets married to Jamie del Rio, who has to be one of the most worldly men in the city.

But fate takes over as she goes to a party where she meets an American director with a lot of influence in Hollywood who believes she is a natural performer. The man invites her to Los Angeles and in no time at all, she becomes the famous Miss del Rio.
Her star quickly rises and her days are all about glamorous events and making movies. Swept up in the glitz and glamor of Los Angeles, she takes her place among the likes of Orson Welles and Marlene Dietrich who are Hollywood royalty.
But as she soars in her career, her life becomes very complicated with divorce, family tragedy, and real heartache.

When she is practically labeled box office poison due to prejudice just before the Second World War, she has to decide what price she is ready to pay to attain her dreams.

“Sister Teresa” by Barbara Mujica is the story of a young girl spoiled with adoration, riches, and beauty. Out of nowhere, her parents decided to send her to a convent so that she can learn discipline.
However, what she discovers is out-of-this-world spiritual fervor which is sometimes so powerful it may be deemed sinful by some.

Saint Teresa is known as a reformer, mystic, and founder of convents and has also written many texts that serve as an introduction to the author’s radical practices and ideas to society in the throes of the Spanish Inquisition.
Barbara Mujica tells a masterful story chronicling the days of Sister Teresa’s youth. These include her secret heritage as a Jew that decided to convert to become a Catholic, her fits of spiritual rapture, her dagger ad cloak political dealings, her struggles with a mysterious illness, and sexual blackmail.

She blends fiction with art, writing a vivid story that is beautifully rendered and shows painstaking research.

Barbara writes an exceptional picture of the terror of religious persecution, sisterhood, faith, and how one woman stood up against the power of orthodoxy while trying to understand and find her own identity.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Bárbara Mujica

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