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Badge Bunny Booze Mystery Books In Order

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Publication Order of Badge Bunny Booze Mystery Books

If You See Kay Run (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
If You See Kay Hide (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
If You See Kay Freeze (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
If You See Kay Lie (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
If You See Kay Bang (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
If You See Kay Jig (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
If You See Kay Shift (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Badge Bunny Booze Mystery is a series of mystery novels by Fiona Quinn, who is known for writing some of the most intriguing mysteries. The series is a hilarious take on the Badge Bunny trope that she manages to tell with so much wit and humor. Quin asserts that she is a philosopher and she loves to read and know about all manner of subjects, which is perhaps the reason she is so funny in her writing. Given that she loves to learn about new subjects she has traveled a lot acquiring new skills and experiences that she uses in the writing of her novels. Her travels have seen her dance in an Irish castle, eat horse meat in Moscow, ride an elephant in Prague, ride camels in Egypt, and do some weird techno in East Berlin when the wall was still a thing.

Quinn has a bachelors in Psychology, Foreign Language, History, and a Masters in Counseling, which she got from the Medical College of Virginia. She is also a certified archery instructor and has a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do in addition to being a Reiki Teacher/Master. She got certified as a medical alert service dog trainer when she found out that her daughter had diabetes. Fiona has worked as a model in France and was at one time a governess. She has also dabbled in some marketing where she worked for the homicide/suicide intervention program by the court system. Quinn thinks of herself as a quirky character, which probably informs some of her witty and humorous characters in the “Badge Bunny Booze Mystery series. While she was born in Canada, she currently lives with her husband and children in Washington DC in the Old Dominion. When she is not traveling or writing her novels. She likes to devour books, surf the internet, pop chocolates and homeschool her children.

The Badge Bunny Booze Mystery Series by Fiona Quinn take a different format from what we have come to expect from the author’s writing style. The novels are written in a similar way to the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich. Bobbi Jax otherwise known as BJ could just as well have been a younger version of Stephanie plum, if Steph had a thing for cops. BJ is a 22-year-old woman who owns and runs a bar named Hooch. She describes herself as a badge bunny, which for those that are uninitiated means a woman who has a crush for policemen and their shiny badges. But the thing is, she does not have just one cop but has several escapades over the course of the series. There is Dick that she had to let go since he became a detective and no longer donned the blue, Connor who she cannot get because he is her best friend Kay’s brother and has a girlfriend, and her current policeman with benefits Peter. What makes her an even more interesting character is that her escapades often result in weird mysteries which she ends up solving. Her addiction to the men in blue often gets her in a position to play detective which she has come to love. But the best thing about BJ and her best friend Kay is that they do not care for social norms and are delightfully politically incorrect, even as they are some of the most entertaining sleuths you could ever read.

In “If You See Kay Run” the first novel of the Badge Bunny Booze Mystery series, Bobbi Jax is on her usual sexual escapades with her men in blue. She thinks she has seen a girl hiding in the underbrush where she is having a romp with her man, and reaches a hand to flick the cheek on her. But what looked so real turns out to be nothing but a mannequin that was just so creepy, that it interrupted her fun session with Peter Harris her latest police officer. It is so creepy that she just will not let it rest and in the middle of the night she gets her friend Kay and they go back to the bushes to rescue the mannequin. They secure it to the rack of BJ’s car and take it to Hooch, the bar she runs. Soon enough the creepy mannequin goes viral on social media and is something of a beacon that beckons to the crazies. It not long before she finds herself in danger.

“If You See Kay Hide” is just as witty and hilarious as the first novel of the series. Bobbi Jax is still getting into trouble though it would seem that things are looking up for her. She thinks she has hit the jackpot when Twinkles her dog starts popping jewels and glitter. Her dog has become the golden goose that will be the avenue through which she will travel from bartending rags to massive wealth and freedom. But her curiosity will be the death of her as she cannot ignore the odd characters that just came into her life. There is her old high school friend who comes with rain boots to the bar named Felicia, Lurch a black suit wearing funeral director, Duckie a homeless woman who always wears too many clothes, and Marley a veteran who wears psychedelic clothes. And then there are death eaters and some unicorns to cause even more havoc. It is a great story that affirms the saying that no good deed goes unpunished especially in St. Clemmons’ Cemetery.

“If You See Kay Freeze” the third novel of the Badge Bunny Booze Mystery series opens to BJ trying to earn some money on the side to pay off some legal fees. She had accrued the fees when Nicky Stromboli her neighbor had taken her to court, trying to put her out of business. She decides to take up a job as an elf at the mall where she hopes to make some few extra dollars. She is assigned as a replacement for a dead porn star that used to work as an elf in a glistening sequined gown. Wearing the clothes of a dead elven porn star is odd enough until her best friend’s brother starts showing romantic interest in her. She had always liked the guy but the fact that he was married and her friend’s brother made things complicated. Moreover, she had always loved casual sex and Kay’s brother Connor seems to want something more than that. Combining the dark web, death, porn, love and furred handcuffs it is a hell of a rollercoaster ride for BJ and her friend Kay.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Badge Bunny Booze Mystery

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