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Arne Dahl Books In Order

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Arne Dahl is the pseudonym used by the popular author from Sweden named Jan Arnald. He is famous for writing down the Scandinavian crime fiction novels. The popular novel series written by Arne is titled as the ‘Intercrime’ series, which consists of a total of 11 books published between the years 1998 and 2008. The first 5 books of the Intercrime series have been adapted into movies that have been broadcast on BBC 4 in the United Kingdom and on SVT1 in Sweden. The mystery and thriller novels written by Arne have become internationally popular and have been translated into a number of foreign languages. In addition to being a noteworthy crime fiction novelist, he also works as a literary critic and a writer for the Swedish newspaper called Dagens Nyheter. Author Dahl became a published author in the year 1990 when he wrote his debut novel under his original name Jan Arnald. It was titled as ‘Chiosmassakern’ and was released in the Swedish language.

After the success of his first novel, Arne continued to write a few more novels using his original name before going on to use the pen name Arne Dahl for writing the crime fiction novels is the year 1998. The first novel that he wrote in Swedish under the pseudonym was titled Ont Blood which was later published again in English in the year 2013 as Bad Blood. Initially, author Dahl used to write all his novels in the Swedish language only, which were later translated in other languages. The first novel that he published in English was titled Misterioso in the year 2010. Previously, it was released in Swedish in the year 1999. The novel was published again in the United Kingdom in the year 2012 as The Blinded Man. Author Arne Dahl was born on January 11, 1963 in Sweden. Right from his childhood days, he was very much interested in reading and writing crime fiction novels. Eventually, he grew up to become one of the finest writers and a celebrated author of crime fiction novels. His mystery and thriller series, Intercrime went on to become a bestselling novel series all over the world. The success of the series has allowed author Dahl to sell over 2.5 million printed copies of its novels worldwide.

The immense success of the novel series also helped him to win several distinguished and premier awards for his outstanding crime writing. He has been awarded in countries like Sweden, Denmark, Germany, etc. In the year 2007, Arne was awarded with a special prize by The Academy of Crime Writers of Sweden for his dedicated efforts in helping to develop and vitalize the crime genre by penning down the ‘Intercrime’ series. In the year 2011, author Dahl began writing the second novel series of his career titled ‘Opcop Quartet’. The first novel of this series called Chinese Whispers won an award by The Academy of Crime Writers of Sweden in the category of the Best Crime Novel of the year 2011. Just like his first novel series, this series too has already become a big success in the countries like Denmark, Sweden, and Germany. Ten out of the eleven novels of the Intercrime series written by author Dahl have been dramatized as television adaptations by the Swedish production company called Filmlance. First 5 were adapted in the year 2011 and the other 5 in the year 2015. Each of the novels of the Intercrime series has been made into a 2-part miniseries, in which each part contains a 90 minutes episodes. The second adaptation of the series consists of 2 one hour episodes.

The first novel of the Intercrime series was published under the title ‘Misterioso’ in the U.S and as ‘The Blinded Man’ in the United Kingdom. It was first released in the year 1998 by the Piper Taschenbuch publishing house. The plot of this novel depicts that the elite class of Sweden is under brutal attack. In the opening sequence of the plot of the novel, it is shown that a couple of powerful and rich men get murdered in Sweden. As a result, everywhere there is mounting panic and media hysteria. In order to stop the brutal attacks and catch the murderer, the government of Sweden appoints a task force. Paul Hjelm is introduced as a detective, who is currently under an investigation for shooting a man who had taken a bank as hostage. Paul becomes surprised when he is asked to join the task force. The task force faces a lot of difficulties in finding clues about the killer. He seems to be a master in carrying out the killings as he does not leave any clues at the crime scene. The killer even removes the bullets that fires. It appears to be a great challenge for Paul Hjelm and the rest of the task force to stop the killer from committing further crimes. They desperately try to establish a connection between the victims and identify the potential targets in order to protect them before the killer strikes again.

The second novel of the Intercrime series written by author Arne Dahl was published under the title ‘Bad Blood’. It was first released in the year 1998 by the Pantheon publishing house. The plot of this novel depicts the story of a deadly, war induced, and unstoppable violence that seems to be spreading across the generations. In the opening sequence of the plot of the novel, the A Unit of the Swedish investigative agency comprising of Detectives Kerstin Holm and Paul Hjelm come to know that there is a serial killer from America on board a plane traveling to Stockholm from New York. However, they do not have identification of the serial killer. By keeping in touch with the FBI, the two detectives reach the airport. They are not able to catch the serial killer as they do not get the information on time. Soon, they get to hear the death of the first victim. Similar killings by the serial continue to take place throughout Stockholm after which, detectives Hjelm and Holm travel to America in order to study about the past life of the serial killer. They come across an important clue that leads them to an unsettling and strange identity. But, their step of catching him seems to be a lengthy and challenging one.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Arne Dahl

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