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Anne Griffin Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

When All Is Said(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Listening Still(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Anne Griffin is a published author of fiction.

Griffin is a well known Irish author that has still more room to grow in her career and is an exciting new voice in the literary world. This novelist had an early idea that she would like to be a writer and attended University College Dublin for her education. It was there that she graduated and received an MA in the subject of creative writing, a degree that many an author has pursued on their way to getting started. Her writing has appeared in such publications as The Irish Times as well as The Stinging Fly.

Anne has received a variety of awards for her writing. For literature, she was the recipient of the John McGahern Award. This award is the type that recognizes current and previous works. She has made the short list for a number of awards, including the Sunday Business Post Award and the Hennessy New Irish Writing award.

Anne Griffin became an officially published author in print novel form with the release of her first book. The fictional novel is full length and is titled When All Is Said. It was released in 2019 by Sceptre in the United Kingdom as well as Ireland. In the United States and Canada, the book will be released courtesy of Thomas Dunne Books. It will also be made available by a variety of publishers in different countries throughout Europe and more and will be translated into different languages.

When All Is Said is the first full length fictional novel from author Anne Griffin. If you have been searching for a brand new engaging tale and a stunning and extraordinary novel to read, then this is the book for you. Check out the novel that others have been praising endlessly and recommending to others as a must read story so that you can immerse yourself in the poetic writing of an Irish writer that has something to say.

If you love inspirational and somewhat deep stories, check this book out! This is the story of one night and it is a tale that you cannot afford to miss! Think about if you were to choose five people that could recount the story of your life as they see it, which five people would you end up choosing?

It’s an interesting question, to be sure. We would have to pick the people that were summing up the tale of our lives quite carefully. If you could select these individuals and then choose to raise your glass in tribute to each one of them, what is it that you think that you would say?

It would be interesting to learn more things regarding yourself, Perhaps in choosing and listening to these people you would end up finding out more things about yourself and learn a bit more than you actually ever saw through your own eyes. When it’s all over and done with, perhaps we would be able to see ourselves in a true fashion or learn more about the people that were describing us.

This is a story that recounts the life and times of someone named Maurice Hannigan who goes out and does something that pretty much recounts that. One Saturday night in the month of June, he decides to go to a hotel bar.

It might be fairly normal for someone to stroll up to a house hotel such as the Rainford and order five drinks. It might not be all that unheard of. However, Maurice decides to order all five of them at the same time.

He is going through elaborate motions that are certainly fairly unique to the situation. Maurice carefully takes a glass and makes a toast, raising it and addressing a person that is important to him with each. Each of the glasses goes to someone that has been involved in his life and that he knows well.

They are individuals that he has been born knowing and that he has gotten to know through life. One glass is raised in a toast to his older brother, who was always doomed. The sympathy of Maurice for him is deep on this one.

Another glass is raised in tribute to his sister in law, who has always had troubles. Perhaps they will still be able to work out. Maurice also takes a drink and devotes it to his new daughter, who has just come into the world. Who knows who she will turn out to be?

He also takes a drink and raises it up to think of his son, who is very far from him living off in America. He also takes a drink and decides to dedicate it to his wife, who passed away. She is sorely missed. All of these people have something in common in that they are on the way out.

These are the people that have left Maurice behind along the way. He was so close with them in some ways and so distant from them in many others. Through the glasses that he dedicates to each of these individuals, those in his life through whom he is able to tell the story of how his own has been.

It is a life that has been like many others’, and the reader may resonate with the common themes within that are repeated through a thousand works of literature. From love to hate, feuds to regrets, triumphs that we have had in life and more, this is a book that is beautiful and lyrical in its writing in addition to being powerful all the way through.

This is a novel from an Irish author that promises to have more yet to come. If you are a fan of interesting and unique contemporary fiction from fresh new voices, then check out this full length fictional debut from a talented writer.

This is a novel that others are praising as masterful in its story telling. If you want to find out what happens in the end, then pick up a copy and read it all the way to the last page to discover it for yourself!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Anne Griffin

One Response to “Anne Griffin”

  1. Robert Ryan: 3 years ago

    Thank you for sharing your talent. I have been listening to your book on Audible and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I laughed out loud with “I hate fizzy water” Wish you all the best and i hope the ideas and inspiration continue to keep you in the creative way. You tell a beautiful tale.


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