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Animal Ark Books In Order

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Publication Order of Animal Ark Books

By: Lucy Daniels, Ben M. Baglio
Kittens in the Kitchen (1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pony on the Porch (1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Puppies in the Pantry (1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Goat in the Garden (1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hedgehogs in the Hall (1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Badger in the Basement (1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cub in the Cupboard (1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Piglet in a Playpen (1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Owl in the Office (1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lamb in the Laundry (1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bunnies in the Bathroom (1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Donkey on the Doorstep (1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hamster in a Hamper / Hamster in a Handbasket (1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Goose on the Loose (1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Calf in the Cottage (1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Koalas in a Crisis (1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wombat in the Wild (1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Roo on the Rock (1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Squirrels in the School (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Guinea Pig in the Garage (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fawn in the Forest (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Shetland in the Shed (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Swan in the Swim (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lion by the Lake (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Elephants in the East (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Monkeys on the Mountain (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Foals in the Field (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dog at the Door (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sheep at the Show (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Racoons on the Roof (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dolphin in the Deep (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bears in the Barn (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Otter in the Outhouse (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Whale in the Waves (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hound at the Hospital (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rabbits on the Run (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Horse in the House (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Panda in the Park (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tiger on the Track (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Gorilla in the Glade (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tabby in the Tub (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Chinchilla Up the Chimney (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Puppy in a Puddle (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Leopard at the Lodge (2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Giraffe in a Jam (2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hippo in a Hole (2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Foxes on the Farm (2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Badgers by the Bridge (2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Deer on the Drive (2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Animals in the Ark (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mare in the Meadow (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cats in the Caravan / Cats at the Campground (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Polar Bears on the Path (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Seals on the Sled (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Husky in a Hut (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Beagle in a Basket (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bunny on a Barge (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Guinea Pigs in the Greenhouse (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dalmatian in the Dales (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lambs in the Lane (2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Labrador on the Lawn (2003)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Animal Ark Holiday Special Books

By: Lucy Daniels, Ben M. Baglio
Sheepdog in the Snow (1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Seal on the Shore (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fox in the Frost (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hamster in the Holly (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ponies at the Point (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pony in the Post / Pony in a Package (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pigs at the Picnic (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pup at the Palace (2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mouse in the Mistletoe (2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Porpoise in the Pool (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Terrier in the Tinsel (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Stallion in the Stable (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cat in the Candlelight (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kitten Kisses (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Racehorse in the Rain (2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Siamese in the Sun (2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kitten in the Cold (2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mustang in the Mist (2007)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Animal Ark Hauntings Books

By: Lucy Daniels, Ben M. Baglio
Stallion in the Storm (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cat in the Crypt (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dog in the Dungeon (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Colt in the Cave (2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hound on the Heath (2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wolf at the Window (2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Foal in the Fog (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Deer in the Darkness (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cats in the Castle (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Animal Ark Pets Books

By: Lucy Daniels, Ben M. Baglio

Publication Order of Animal Ark Pets Holiday Special Books

Publication Order of Animal Ark Pets Summer Shows Books

Publication Order of Little Animal Ark Books

The Playful Puppy (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Midnight Mouse (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Curious Kitten (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Brave Bunny (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Happy Hamster (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lucky Lamb (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Happy Hamster and Other Stories (2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Party Pony (2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Cheeky Chick (2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Clever Cat (2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Proud Piglet (2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Fearless Fox (2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Friendly Foal (2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Little Animal Ark (2009)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of New Animal Ark Books

Kitten Rescue (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bunny Trouble (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fox Cub Danger (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Puppy in Peril (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Doggy Drama (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Runaway Hamster (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Guinea Pig Superstar (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lonely Pony (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lost Kitten (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Llama on the Loose (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Puppy Problem (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Owl All Alone (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
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The Animal Ark series is a series of long running children’s books which are written by a group of writers under the guidance of author Ben M. Baglio. In order to write some parts of the series, author Baglio used the pen name of Lucy Daniels and all the other books were written under his original name. However, it should be noted that both the names used by author Baglio refer to the collection of the authors who helped him in developing the various books of this series. The series was actually started in the year 1994 and is still running successfully all over the world. Author Baglio has published distinguished versions of the series in the United States and in the United Kingdom, by changing the names of some of the original books. All the books that have been released in the US are written under the name of Ben M. Baglio, and those published in the UK have Lucy Daniels printed on them as the writer. In order to appreciate the works of all the authors who assisted author Baglio in coming up with the series, he has purposely added a ‘Special Thanks’ section on each and every book’s copyright page. Author Baglio has stated the books are aimed at all the readers with the age of eight and over. Author Baglio has developed the general plot of each of the books in this interesting featuring the main lead as Mandy Hope. She has been described by the author as the daughter of a local veterinarian, who spends her time in finding the animals that need care and helps them to recover from their problems.

Mandy Hope is often assisted by her best friend named James. A few other people from her village also try to help her out whenever she requires them. Author Baglio has used the name Animal Ark for referring to the vet surgery. A number of books from the Animal Ark book series have been made into television shows. Also, a magazine of the same name has been published that accompanied the publication of the book series. This magazine is aimed at supporting the animal rescue and education center called Jean Byrd, located near Shamwari in South Africa. The magazine is also aided with the help of the Born Free Foundation. All these editions of the books of the series that were published in the United States are differently numbered from the ones that were released in the United Kingdom. Author Baglio has done so because all the novels of the series were not released in the US. The series’ original editions consist of 94 books in total, which were written between the years 1994 and 2008. Initially, most of the stories depicted in the series revolved around Mandy Hope and the vet practice of her parents called Animal Ark. And they were set in the Welford town of Yorkshire. But, as the series progresses, the stories expand to various other continents across the world. In the original series, numerous books were written as Holiday Specials or Summer Specials. And around late 2003, the series mainly featured holiday specials which were set during Easter, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Halloween. The publishers have divided the entire series in different sections, including spin-offs.

One of the popular books released in this series by author Baglio is titled as ‘Lamb in the Laundry’. This book was released in the year 1997 by Scholastic publication. Sheleigh McNicholas has served as the illustrator for the book. In the opening scene, author Baglio has described the veterinary center of the main character Mandy Hope’s parents. It reads a sign board at its entrance that says that all the animals as well as animal lovers are welcome at the clinic. The Clinic is called as Animal Ark Vet Clinic. Mandy Hope is introduced into the plot of the book as a helping hand to her parents. She assists her parents at the clinic, both of whom are veterinary doctors, in treating the animals. All sorts of animals come to the clinic, including all those with different sizes and shapes. Also, Mandy Hope continues to get involved in helping the animals in need. She cannot resist helping whenever she sees any animal in trouble. She also has her best friend called James by her side to join her in her appreciable works. On one occasion, James and Mandy are shown as working at the Spiller farm when they come across a small lamb. It appears to have been abandoned by the mother. They decide to bring the lamb to Mandy’s parents’ clinic and look after it. They provide medical care to the lamb and help it get into sound health. But, as Mandy begins to get attached to the lamb, it disappears. Immediately, Mandy Hope and James begin to search the lamb everywhere. They keep their fingers crossed and pray that they find it very soon before it becomes too late.

One more interesting novel in the series is titled as ‘Pony on the Porch’. This book was also released by Scholastic publication in the year 1994. Author Baglio has published this book in the both the UK and US editions. In this book too, author Baglio has shown that Mandy keeps herself engaged in helping the animals. She works at the clinic of her parents in treating the animals and also helps in their treatment outside of the clinic. She is so much in caring for the betterment of the animals that she cannot resist herself if she sees any animal in need. As this book’s story begins, Mandy Hope is shown meeting Susan Collins, who appears to be stuck on something. She does not like her behavior or attitude at all. But, the only thing that Mandy finds good about Susan Collins is her little pony Prince. However, seeing her behavior towards the beautiful pony Mandy realizes that her determination to win the jumping show might threaten the life of the pony. Therefore, she tries to convince Susan Collins that what she is thinking to do is not good for the pony. She even tries to make her realize that she could put the pony’s life in danger. But, Susan Collins does not pay any heed to her words. Now, Mandy wonders whether she will be able help the innocent pony before it is too late?

Book Series In Order » Characters » Animal Ark

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