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Ania Ahlborn is a published author born in Poland who currently resides in the United States.

Ania Ahlborn self-published her first book, Seed. The horror book garnered a good deal of success out of the gate, reaching the number one spot on Amazon in 2011 for best-selling horror novels.

She has written several different books as well as novellas and different short stories that are in the horror genre in one way or another. She has always been drawn to the morbid, mysterious, and darker things in life.

Ania was born in Cjechanow, Poland. One of the earliest things in life that she can recall is going through the chain link fence in her town through a hole a fence that kept her home separate from the cemetery next door, which was large and wooded. As a young girl, she would spend a lot of time hanging out among the headstones and would go from different graves and break up the silk flower bouquets, dividing them and making sure that each person had a share.

She has written several novels since the debut of her work Seed. Her books have been optioned for film in some cases and they have been praised by a variety of publications and outlets, including The New York Times, The New York Daily News, and Publisher’s Weekly.

Ania attended the University of New Mexico, graduating with her degree in English. She has resided in New Mexico in the city of Albuquerque, in Greenville, South Carolina, in North Carolina in Raleigh and in Portland, Oregon. She is married and shares her home with her spouse, her son, and their dog.

The author very much enjoys writing her own stories that are packed full of thrills and horror. Before she had representation she chose to self-publish. Ania now publishes her works through Simon and Schuster. She has seen her novels be nominated for a Novel of the Year Award from This is Horror in 2015, and again in 2017 for her books Brother as well as The Devil Crept In.

Her works have done very well and have been translated into German language for the German audience. She has drawn readers in with her ability to write complex and intriguing characters and come up with chilling atmospheres. She likes to often combine suspense, psychological horror, and darker sides of human nature.

Ania has contributed to horror and psychological thrillers as genres, and will likely be popular among readers that have an appreciation for stories who are driven by characters, atmospheric, and enjoy fiction that takes it to the limit without any holds barred! She was also a writer on The Seed, a 2012 video short that came out based on her story.

Seed is the first novel to come out from Ania Ahlborn. If you like works from writers like Blake Crouch or Stephen King, you may be a good candidate to read this book! Any fan of stories that include thrills and horror will like this story.

The Devil is alive and well. Some places in the world are home to darker energies and things that cannot be explained. In Louisiana in the swamps, the shadows very well have teeth.

The main character in this story is a man named Jack Winter. He’s a guy who has been running for all his life, trying to get away from something that no one else apparently has the ability to see. The darkest and deepest secret that he has is his childhood. After getting into an accident that ends up being almost fatal along a road that has been completely abandoned, he finds that the darkness that he thought he had left behind is still there and alive and well.

All of the things that he thought he had been able to get away from and all of his hopes are dashed as he sees the darkness lift its head and smile. This time around, he has a witness to prove that he isn’t crazy. Someone else has seen this darkness, his six year old daughter named Charlie. She tells him that she has seen it too, but quickly begins to change as a result of it.

Jack feels helpless as he sees his daughter enter into a world of darkness that had nearly swallowed him up two decades previously. Charlie is changing, but she is not the only one. Slowly Jack starts to realize that he was never able to outpace the darkness and that it has been his constant companion for this entire time.

As the horror of this realization washes over him, Jack starts to realize that the darkness is hungrier than it has ever been. What does this mean not only for him, but for his daughter? Will they ever be able to get the darkness out of their lives, or are they about to find out that the past never truly leaves us? Read this thrilling book to find out, and watch the video short if you are interested!

The Neighbors is the second novel to come out from Ania Ahlborn. If you have been looking for something interesting to read, give this story a try!

The main character in this story is a man named Andrew Morrison. He’s been through some hard times in his life due to his mother being dependent on alcohol. He has given up many things in his life in order to take care of her, with his education, his childhood, even his dream girl being impacted by his home situation.

He’s given up so much in his life, but Andrew has had enough. He wants to get out in the world and live his life the way that he thinks that he ought to. This might eventually mean swapping the home in which he grew up to go live with an old friend from childhood, renting a room in their house.

It’s far from being a glamorous place, and his lame new place and his somewhat downcast roommate do not compare to the house next door. They’ve got a nice suburban home that looks like it was ripped directly from a Norman Rockwell magazine.

The owners of the home seem happy, healthy, and prosperous. But the more that he gets to know them, the more that it seems like darker things are lurking behind that white picket fence life. Will he find out what they are? Read The Neighbors to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Ania Ahlborn

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