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Alexandra Brown Books In Order

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Publication Order of Carrington's Books

Cupcakes at Carrington's (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Me and Mr Carrington (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Christmas at Carrington's (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ice Creams at Carrington’s (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Postcard Books

A Postcard from Italy (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Postcard from Paris (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Postcard from Capri (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Carrington’s Bicycle Bakery Books

A Cosy Christmas at Bridget’s Bicycle Bakery (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Summer Holiday at Bridget’s Bicycle Bakery (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Tindledale Books

The Great Village Show (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Great Christmas Knit Off (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Secret of Orchard Cottage (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Not Just For Christmas (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

The Great Summer Sewing Bee (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

About Alex Brown

British novelist Alex Brown, globally recognized for her chart-topping works in romance and historical fiction. She has written over ten novels, including popular titles like ‘A Postcard from Italy,’ ‘The Great Christmas Knit Off,’ ‘The Secret of Orchard Cottage,’ and ‘The Wish.’ Her narratives have found a home in hearts across the globe, being translated into a whopping twenty languages. She has also penned the well-liked Carrington’s series, “A Postcard from Paris,” and the charming Bridget’s Bicycle Bakery series.

Alex’s mastery in character creation adds an irresistible lure to her stories, making them all the more entertaining. She breathes life into her protagonists, intricately crafting their personalities, and draws readers into their captivating journeys. Her characters seem to strike a chord with audiences everywhere, perhaps one of the many reasons her books enjoy such global acclaim.

A pivotal strength of Alex lies in her ability to weave engaging narratives. She concocts compelling tales with ease, keeping her readers engrossed from the beginning right up until the very end. With her knack for spinning compelling tales, she’s certainly made a permanent mark in the literary world. She’s not just an author, but also a weaver of fascinating stories enjoyed by people everywhere.

Early and Personal Life

British romance novelist Alexandra Brown has a captivating backstory as inspiring as those of the characters in her books. Hailing from Brighton, she held a strong passion for literature from her early days and made a bold move at the age of sixteen – embarking on a journey to London fueled by her dream of becoming a writer. Seeing her interest in writing grow, she developed her voice and style as an author.

However, Alex soon realized balancing her writing aspirations with a stable career was crucial. Thus, she found herself plunged into the corporate world, spending two decades in an office environment. These years didn’t stifle her creative spark, though; in fact, they served as an escape. She often found herself transcribing scenes and narratives during long meetings, her imagination providing a refuge from the monotony.

Today, Alex leads a quiet life near Brighton, cherishing the company of her husband, daughter, and their two Labradors. Through these stages of her life, she has continuously nurtured her passion for writing, creating engaging narratives that transcend boundaries, securing her place as a cherished writer in the hearts of her readers.

Writing Career

Alex Brown launched her writing journey with the weekly ‘City Girl’ column for The London Paper, providing insights on working life in London’s city center. She won this privilege through a competition and held the spot for two years. Eventually, she decided to step away from the column to pour her focus into penning her first novel.

She then embarked on the actualization of a series of captivating tales. The ‘Carrington’s Department Store’ series was her first venture, starting with ‘Cupcakes At Carrington’s’ in 2013. Subsequently, she crafted the ‘Tindledale’ series, the ‘Postcard’ series, and ‘Carrington’s Bicycle Bakery.’

She also authored stand-alone novels such as ‘The Wish’ in 2018 (although it was set in the world of ‘Tindledale’), and ‘The Great Summer Sewing Bee’ in 2019. Notably, she contributed to a joint publication, the ‘Christmas Cracker 3-Book Collection’ in 2015, along with fellow authors Debbie Johnson and Lindsey Kelk.

Cupcakes at Carrington’s

Alex Brown introduced her debut novel, ‘Cupcakes at Carrington’s,’ on January 17, 2013. This book was brought to the readers by the established Harper Publishing house. It holds a unique place in Brown’s career, not just as her first novel but also as the inaugural entry into her ‘Carrington’s Department Store’ series.

Georgie Hart loves managing the high-end purse section of Carrington’s Department store in quaint Mulberry-On-Sea and indulging in the occasional red velvet cupcake. However, when Carrington’s undergoes a significant revamp to combat recession, the ruthless Maxine shows up.

Georgie’s life spins out of control, jeopardizing her job and her relationship with her attractive boss, James. Georgie faces a choice when handsome newcomer Tom appears, testing where her true commitment lies.

A Postcard from Italy

‘A Postcard from Italy,’ written by Alex Brown, first hit the shelves on July 11, 2019, withHarperCollins releasing the book. It serves as the first installment in the ‘Postcard’ series, a compelling collection of stand-alone romance novels.

Grace Quinn takes pleasure in her work at Cohen’s Convenient Storage Company, often discovering lost treasures in deserted customer units. One day, a valuable art collection and decades-old letters pique her interest. Inside, she discovers the story of Connie Levine, an English woman who moved to Italy after World War II.

As Grace delves into Connie’s history, she embarks on a personal journey of discovery and healing, leading her to an old Italian villa.

The Great Christmas Knit Off

‘The Great Christmas Knit Off,’ by Alex Brown, arrived on bookshelves on November 6, 2014. Harper would oversee the book’s publication. This festive romance initiates the ‘Tindledale’ series, a compilation of standalone novels, all set in the make-believe small town from which the series takes its name.

After being left at the altar, Sybil finds solace in knitting, flooding her home with knitted items. A workplace blunder prompts her to flee to the scenic village of Tindledale right before Christmas. She stumbles upon Hettie’s House of Haberdashery, a knitting and needlework shop threatened with closure.

Then, when Sybil’s unique Christmas sweaters spice up Hettie’s window display, unexpected things begin to occur.

The Great Summer Sewing Bee

‘The Great Christmas Knit Off,’ a stand-alone romance novella, was again written by author Alex Brown. The book was published by HarperColling and made its debut on June 7, 2019. Being a shorter novella, it delivers a gripping stand-alone romance that enchants readers.

Cher, who runs the Duck & Puddle pub in the lovely village of Tindledale, is set to marry Clive, her beloved. However, when calamity threatens to spoil their wedding day, Cher’s best friend, Sybil, hatches a strategy. The pressing question is if Tindledale’s residents and the crafty sewing team from Hettie’s House of Haberdashery can turn things around and secure Cher’s dream country wedding.

Alexandra Brown is a bestselling author of contemporary romance and historical fiction novels who is best known for the “Carrington” series of novels.

Before becoming an author, she used to write columns for “The London Paper” and has also written for publications such as “Elle,” “Cosmopolitan,” and “YOU.”

She made her fiction writing debut with the publishing of “Cupcakes at Carrington’s” in 2013. The novel went on to become a bestseller and paved the way for Brown to become a bestselling novelist.
She now has more than a dozen works of fiction to her name across several series. Most of her novels have also been translated into more than a dozen languages across the globe and have sold more than a million copies.
Over the years, Brown has developed a reputation for writing about extraordinary things done by ordinary people in difficult circumstances.

They are often stories of multigenerational family dynamics, courage, friendship, plenty of love, humor and intriguing secrets to be gleaned from the past.
Alexandra Brown currently makes her home in Kent, where she lives by the sea with her family and two black Labradors.

When she is not writing her novels, she can usually be found enjoying a martini cocktail, watching trashy TV, indulging her addiction to online shopping, or walking on the beach.

Like many novelists, Alexandra Brown has said that she had always dreamed of one day becoming an author ever since she was a child.

During her childhood, writing and reading used to be her escape, even if she never imagined that she would one day become a proper author who made a career out of writing fiction books.
Alexandra left home when she was sixteen years old with a qualification in English literature and in the English language.

She took these subjects since they were the only ones she was good at since revising and doing homework were almost always impossible in her home.

Alex managed to find a job in an office and a place to live since hardly anyone used to check CVs in those times and hence she ended up doing that for the best part of two decades.
She would then leave the corporate world as she felt a strong urge to fulfill her dream of becoming a professional author.

With millions of copies of her books sold, she is now thankful that she gets to write every day instead of having to battle with office politics, which she always found to be very stressful.

Now a full-time author, Alexandra Brown writes most of her novels from her office with Puppy Oscar her black Labrador snoring beside her.

As a superstitious person, she loves to ensure she has her lucky poncho draped around her in addition to always lighting a candle.

Brown usually starts at about 10 am after taking her kid to school and taking her dog for a walk in the paths near the lake behind her house. She will usually write until lunchtime before hanging out for an hour on social media.
Afterward, she usually writes until 5 pm unless she is on a deadline during which she can write day and night breaking only for food and to take a short nap.

Alexandra Brown’s novel “Cupcakes at Carrington’s” is the story of a woman named Georgie Hart who could not love her job more.

She works at Mulberry on Sea the seaside town’s Carrington’s Department store, where she runs the luxury handbag concession.

Her life is thrown into disarray as Carrington is forced to make a makeover due to a recession. This brings in Maxine a femme fatale wielding a chopping axe in her exquisitely manicured hands.
It is a disaster for Georgie and it is not long before she is fighting for her job alongside several of her colleagues.

She is also fighting for the attention of James, her gorgeous boss, and things only turn more interesting when Tom a hot newcomer arrives. With the arrival of Tom, Georgie will not have to choose a side which is particularly hard.
It is a charming, romantic, funny sparkling debut with likable characters and written in a funny and crisp style that will keep you turning the pages.

“Christmas at Carrington’s” by Alexandra Brown is an indulgent delicious read that is a follow-up to the debut novel of the series.

Just like the previous work, the novel is also set at a Carrington’s Department store, which is thrown into a spin with some interesting news.

The staff just learned that some blockbuster reality TV show is set to be filmed at the store that will be featuring Kelly Cooper the formidable retail guru.
Georgie Hart who manages the Luxury Handbags section is hesitant but quickly realizes that the store could get a new lease of life from the show.

With Christmas on the horizon, she hopes that it will deliver the perfect holiday present in the form of the dishy boss of the store – Tom.

When the film crews begin to arrive, things immediately begin to go awry. Zara who is an old flame of Tom is employed on the show and to make things worse, they are both sent to New York and Paris for an extra spot of filming.
When Georgie sits down in front of the TV to watch the first episode of the show, she does not know that the worst is coming up. She is portrayed in a very unflattering light and she watches in horror as she discovers what Tom has been up to.

Alexandra Brown’s novel “Ice Creams at Carrington’s” continues to follow Georgie Hart at the Carrington’s Department. Both Georgie and Carrington had been put on the map by the reality TV series and since then life has been amazing.
Carrington’s profits have never been higher and Georgie has a very happy romantic relationship with the store manager Tom and found a place in the nation’s heart too.

Georgie finds herself in great demand as it is summertime in Mulberry on Sea. The small town will be hosting a massive summer festival and together with her colleagues intends to put up the shows that Mulberry will never forget.
But her loyalties will be tested to their limits when she gets an offer of a lifetime that may just be too good to reject.
Has her luck finally run out or will she be able to once again pull it off?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Alexandra Brown

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