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Adventure Island Books In Order

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Publication Order of Adventure Island Books

The Mystery of the Whistling Caves (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of the Midnight Ghost (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of the Hidden Gold (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of the Missing Masterpiece (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of the Cursed Ruby (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of the Vanishing Skeleton (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of the Dinosaur Discovery (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of the Drowning Man (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of the Smugglers' Wreck (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of the Invisible Spy (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of the King's Ransom (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of the Black Salamander (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of the Secret Room (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery of the Phantom Lights (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Adventure Island is a book series that tells us the story of Scott and Jack Carter who had to stay with their great aunt for the summer, and so they braced themselves for the most boring holiday ever. Little did they know that they were about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime when they met Emily Wild walking her dog, Drift. Being a good host, Emily takes it upon herself to show them the local attractions, including the castle, the lighthouse and the whistling caves. It is often said that when these caves have stopped whistling, the castle is going to be attacked, which is precisely what happens.

The thieves get away with priceless treasures, and so Emily and her new friends vow to investigate what happened. They try to figure out how the treasures were smuggled from the castle. They also want to know why the caves stopped whistling. Time is running out and the mystery needs to be solved quickly if the thief is to be caught. “The Mystery of the Whistling Caves” is the name of the first book in the Adventure Island series, and it is an exciting series that promises to offer gripping mysteries in later installments.

One of the best things about Scott and Jack Carter’s holiday is that there are no grown ups to spoil their fun. An adventurous girl is there to lead the group in solving mysteries and the three of them embark on solving the mystery of the stolen treasures. The author does a good job in spinning the story, and the locations were depicted in a good manner. The characters are simple yet distinctive, and even though the plot was not very complicated, it did not diminish the quality of the story.

It’s also very refreshing when reading a simple story about kids having some fun without any issues. The story takes you back to simpler times when such stories were very popular. Another good thing is that the children entertained themselves with no technology or going against the law. These kids simply enjoyed being around each other in a very innocent way. As a reader, you even wish that you could have gone to a place such as the island of Castle Key (the setting of the story) for your summer holidays. This is the genre of book that you would enjoy reading when you were a kid but adults can also get something out of the book.

The Famous Five is a classic children’s adventure novel and Adventure Island can be likened to it. The book will take you back to your childhood and you will remember all the fun and adventure you had as a child. During those days, the world was a safer place and it was not uncommon for kids to be gone for the whole day having fun and adventure with their friends. Parents never used to worry when their kids would be late for dinner because there was nothing to be afraid of. If you want to go back to those peaceful and quieter times, then you should pick up a copy of The Mystery of the Whistling Caves.

If you have kids between the ages of eight to twelve, then Adventure Island is a mystery series that is highly recommended for them. The story is quite imaginative and it will appeal to kids who love detective stories. When it comes to the characters, Emily is a fun character, very outgoing and adventurous. Her dog, Drift, doesn’t appear to be influencing the story that much but maybe that will happen as this series develop. We have Jack, the younger of the two brothers and who is impetuous. Scott is the older one and is slightly wiser. When these three combine forces, they work to great effect. At the local museum, there’s a cleaner who is an amusing secondary character.

The second book in the Adventure Island series is called “The Mystery of the Midnight Ghost”. A movie has just started filming at a creepy house called Pendragon Manor when the main character suddenly vanishes. Emily, Scott, Jack, and Drift the dog realize they have got a new mystery to solve. So people are asking whether the star had been kidnapped or whether she simply needed a short break from the celebrity lifestyle. Some people are even saying that she might have gone into the attic during midnight only for the midnight ghost to curse her.

Emily, Jack and Scott are on the set of the movie and they feel very happy hanging around the stars. The main actress then goes missing, which prompts the three of them into action trying to solve this mystery. The manor house in which the movie is being shot is said to be haunted by a ghost and it will kidnap you if you dare venture inside the house after midnight.

It is easy for you to read The Mystery of the Midnight Ghost because it’s full of fun, adventure, and mystery. Kids will enjoy reading the book and even adults can read it because everyone loves a good mystery. However, the plot appears very predictable and it is easy to see where the story is going. Nothing surprises you in the story and there are no twists and turn to keep up the suspense. Of course the book is written for kids and so they might have a more difficult time trying to figure out whodunit. Boys and girls will love the book because there is something for everyone in there.

Adventure Island is a modern take on the adventure novels that we used to read as kids. But this series is an improvement because of the use of modern language. You will also enjoy reading the book because there is no gender stereotyping. There is something refreshing about a group of kids doing what the adults are not able to do, and that is to piece together pieces of the puzzle and solve a mystery. You also have a dog that can help when the humans are unable to do so, which makes the whole story very charming.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Adventure Island

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