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Abarat Books In Order

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Publication Order of Abarat Books

Abarat: The First Book of Hours (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Days of Magic, Nights of War (2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Absolute Midnight (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Abarat is a series of Y.A. Fantasy novels written by bestselling English author of science fiction, horror, and young adult and fantasy novels, Clive Barker. Abarat series is set in Abarat; a fictional archipelago made up of twenty-five islands.

Clive Barker began the publication of Abarat series in 2002 when Abarat the first book in the series was published.

In 2002, Abarat the first book in the series was nominated for the Bram Stoker Award for the best work for young adult readers. Subsequently, in 2003, the novel won the second place in the Locus Poll for the best young adult novel. Abarat also was featured in Publishers Weekly starred reviews and School Library Journal.


The first book in Abarat series by Clive Barker focuses on Candy Quackenbush, a young girl frustrated with the situation in her life in Chickentown, Minnesota. After a heated argument with her school teacher over a school project and the scribbled absent-minded, she has done with her workbook.

Candy quits school and relocates to the edge of town where she discovers the remains of a lighthouse. She finds this incredibly fascinating because her hometown is thousands of miles from the ocean.

While at the lighthouse, she encounters a professional thief known as John Mischief who resembles a human except for the antlers on his head. Mischief’s seven brothers survive on these horns appearing as heads. Because he is hunted by an evil created, Mendelson Shape, he sends the young girl to light the lighthouse lamp- which calls an ocean by the name Sea of Izabella from a parallel universe.

Candy manages to climb up the old and rotten stairs while the Mischief and his brothers keep the Shape busy.

When Candy makes it to the top, she finds a pyramid with a cup on top. On the other hand, as the Shape gets out of mischief’s sight, Candy searches for a means to light up the lamp.

She finds the cup and lights the lamp, and she is surprised to find out that it is covered in lines precisely as those she had doodled in her workbook. Mischiefs give Candy a key to protect, extinguishes the light, both Mischief and Candy ride the parallel seas to Abarat.

A group of mysterious transports them to a nearby island where Candy is separated from Mischief. While on the island, she learns that Abarat is made up of 25 islands and each occupies a different hour of the day and that it was initially connected to her world before Abaratian authorities destroyed the Harbour.

The remaining part of the novel follows Candy’s adventure as she explores the crises affecting the Abarat, she also gains intimations that she may probably be destined to conclude. The story also introduces what would be Candy’s main rivals- Christopher Carrion, a sorcerer, his grandma Mater Motley and Rojo Pixler an industrialist all who seek to dominate Abarat.

The first book in the series is a brilliant read- Clive Barker does a fantastic job in the world building. It is bizarre in a right way. The author has a great imagination, and the narrative bleeds creativity in every single page.

The writing itself is practically tremendous and flawless. It has a poetic and dreamy quality to it such that you feel as though you are reading a fairy tale. Additionally, what sells this novel is the artwork. The author has created beautiful illustrations that are detailed and realistic of styles. Furthermore, the plot is fun and flows quite well from chapter to another. If you like bizarre or are looking for a novel that explodes with otherworldliness, then Abarat is the ideal book for you. Unlike most classics of this genre, Abarat begins with a prolegomenon in the fantasyland itself and thus tracking an indecipherable conversation between three characters before the main character is introduced. In other words, the novel does not let the reader to fall down a rabbit hole into the magic world with the main character: the readers are already introduced to magic before they Candy is.

Days of Magic, Nights of War

In the second book in Abarat series by Clive Barker, Candy continues her adventures in the land of Abarat alongside with her new friend named Malingo. The two travel and explore the islands of Abarat together.

Unfortunately, Christopher Carrion, the Lord of Midnight wanted to capture her for he “smells” something fishy about Candy’s presence in this world and so he sends his best man Houlihan after Candy.

Now Malingo and Candy are on the run from the man sent after them but later in the story Candy discovers that the island feels familiar to her since she could easily call magic spells that have never learned before and she could easily evade danger. The more she starts to discover about herself and the connection she has with Abarat, the more she realizes the intentions of Christopher, the Lord of Midnight and this discovery could ultimately change his life forever.

The second book in the series is far better than the first book. Days of Magic is action packed and lots of adventures. The author has done a fantastic job of making the story exciting and also scary. You will love Candy’s adventures as she explores the island, escapes from the man hunting her and as she meets new people along the way.

Candy Quackenbush is a great heroine. She is kind-hearted, brave, caring and is always willing to put her life at risk in order to save the people she treasures. Clive wonderfully unfolds Candy’s backstory and how she is connected to the mysterious a beautiful island of Abarat.

The main antagonist is Christopher Carrion; he is a man beyond scary, tortures many innocent people and the idea of nightmares around his face and eating of his victim’s fears, whenever they are free, is just disturbing and also excellent.

Then there is Christopher’s grandmother, Mater Motley, who appear to be eviler than her grandson. In the first book in the series, she was more of a background character but in this second novel, the author develops her, and the results are just amazing. The author’s illustrations are fantastic as they were in the first book, especially Christopher’s illustrations- his face resemble a skeleton and has worm-like creatures on his face.

Overall, Days of the Magic is easily one of the best series sequels and an absolute brain blower.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Abarat

One Response to “Abarat”

  1. David: 3 years ago

    Iv always found Clive barker a odd read,no matter what book of his I read.he’s a good writer and artist,just weird as hell.


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