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Infernal Devices Books In Order

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Publication Order of Infernal Devices Trilogy Books

Clockwork Angel (2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Clockwork Princess (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Clockwork Prince (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
After the Bridge (2013)Free from the authors website.

About The Infernal Devices Series of Books:

Born Judith Rumelt in 1973 in Tehran, Iran to American parents, she chose to write with the name Cassandra Clare and is the granddaughter of Max Rosenberg. As a child she travelled frequently, spending time in European countries such as England, France and Switzerland, returning to Los Angeles for high school. From then on, she divided her time between California and New York, working for different entertainment magazines and tabloids.

The Infernal Devices

A fantasy series set in Victorian England, follows orphaned teenager Tessa Gray as she searches for her missing brother Nate, and searching for her true identity. The world that surrounds her is a period 10 years after a peace treaty between the Shadowhunters and the Downworlders. The Shadowhunters are a race from Clare’s series The Mortal Instruments, and about which she plans to write 5 series, The Infernal Devices coming chronologically before The Mortal Instruments but being written after.

Delving head first into a world she has never before encountered, relying on skills and abilities she has never before had to use, Tessa will have to master her talents and forge alliances with Shadowhunters to find her brother, and to simply survive. Amidst all of this, after falling in love with not just one, but two Shadowhunters, trouble and suspense come creeping into Tessa’s story.

Characters From The Infernal Devices Series:

Theresa “Tessa” Gray: A 16 year old girl who after having received a ticket from her brother Nate, to come to England, must leave her home city of New York to find him. Upon arrival, being captured by The Dark Sisters, Tessa discovers her ability to shapeshift, a talent that will inevitably drag her deeper and deeper into the Shadow World. With allegiances to the Enclave, as the story moves on her talents are revealed to be unique and unrecognisable, being able to take the shape of any person while acquiring their memories, mannerisms and abilities. She is half Eidolon and falls in love with Will Herondale and James Carstairs.

William ‘Will’ Owen Herondale: A 17 year old boy from Wales with a Welsh mother and a Shadowhunter father, and being able to speak numerous languages, Will chose to enter the Shadow World at the age of 12. He not only shares the same allegiance as Tessa to the Enclave, but is also passionately in love with her. As with most members of his family he has a phobia of ducks, but this is no hindrance when fighting werewolves, vampires and other beasts of the Downworlders.

James ‘Jem’ Carstairs or Ke Jian Ming: Another 17 year old Shadowhunter, Jem moved to the London Institute after the murder of his parent at the Shanghai Institute. Addicted to the drug yin fen after being forced to take it when being tortured by a demon, Jem must continue to live on it to survive, even though it is killing him. Half Chinese and Half English, Jem can speak both fluently, and as with Will he shares allegiance to the Enclave and a love for Tessa.

Sophia ‘Sophie’ Collins: An employee at the London Institute born with the sight, Sophie was thrown out onto the street after working as a parlor maid for the Atkins family when their son cut his face when she rejected his attempted seductions and put the blame on her.

Jessamine ‘Jessie’ Lovelace: A Shadowhunter who has the capability to be extremely dangerous despite loathing the Shadowhunter life. She lost her parents when she was a child and is known to have a dollhouse in her bedroom at the London Institute.

Henry Branwell: With the help of the warlock Magnus Bane, the brilliant and absent-minded Henry invented the portal. Spending hours in the crypts of the London Institute working on different inventions, Henry is just as likely to set himself on fire as he is create something fambulous.

Charlotte Branwell: Charlotte runs the London Institute with capability and a care for all the orphans. It is only when Tessa’s search for her brother uncovers a web of corruption in London’s Downworld that the London’s Enclave of Shadowhunters faces the threat of being torn apart.

Axel Mortmain: The creator of the clockwork creatures and the antagonist of the series who plots to destroy all Shadowhunters to avenge his warlock parents, Axel will need Tessa as the key to succeed in his plan to overrule the Shadowhunters.

Magnus Baine: Flamboyant and wise, the ancient warlock has origins in Indonesia. A friend of Will, Magnus provides aid to all Shadowhunters. His past was mentioned in The Mortal Instruments series.

Clockwork Angel

The first book in the series, Clockwork Angel kicks off the story of Tessa Gray as she crosses the ocean to find her brother in England. Set during the reign of Queen Victoria, London’s dingy streets are filled with the beasts of the Downworld who are kept in check by the Shadowhunters, the sole maintainers of order in a world where chaos is never far. It is in this book that, after being kidnapped by the Dark Sisters, Tessa discovers her ability to shapeshift that comes from being herself a Downworlder, a power that catches the eye of the shadowy and desirous Magister who runs the Club.

Running to the Shadowhunters for safety, who promise to protect and assist Tessa in her search for her brother if she uses her powers to help them, Tessa discovers that love is another force to be reckoned with as she meets two best friends Jem and Will.

Clockwork Prince

Tessa, at last safe with the Shadowhunters in the underworld of Victorian London, is thrown into danger and turmoil again when rogue forces of the Clave plot to replace Charlotte, her protector, as head of the Institute; a scenario that could land Tessa on the streets as easy prey to the Magister who wants her power. With the help of Will and Jem, Tessa learns that the Magister’s war on the Shadowhunters stems from a deeply personal tragedy which he blames them for.

On a wild journey across Victorian England, the trio search for answers to Tessa’s past which is more sinister than she had ever imagined, the story turns to one of betrayal when they discover that the Magister is aware of their every move.

Clockwork Princess

The events leading up Tessa’s marriage to Jem prove that her guard can never be let down. As shadows surround London, and a new demon appears with Mortmain, the man who with his Infernal Devices plans to destroy the Shadowhunters, Will’s love for Tessa still remains as strong as ever and both boys will do anything to protect her as Mortmain needs Tessa to complete his plan.

With the end of the Shadowhunters on the horizon, and Bane at their side again, Tessa discovers that she has the capability to be more powerful than she could have ever imagined.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Infernal Devices

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