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Dani Pettrey Books In Order

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Publication Order of Alaskan Courage Books

Publication Order of Chesapeake Valor Books

Publication Order of Coastal Guardians Books

The Killing Tide(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Crushing Depths(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Deadly Shallows(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Shifting Current(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Jeopardy Falls Books

Publication Order of Sins of the Past Books

with Dee Henderson, Lynette Eason
Sins of the Past (With: Dee Henderson,Lynette Eason)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Blackout (By: Lynette Eason)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
+ Show All Books in this Series

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Dani Pettrey is an acclaimed American writer. She writes in the romantic suspense genre. Dani Pettrey says inspirational romantic suspense incorporates many of the things she loves. These include plenty of romance, deepening of her characters faith, the thrill of adventure, and nail biting suspense. Her work is influenced books such as Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Jesus I knew, and The Screw tape Letters. She has also been influenced by The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks, Predator by Terri Blackstock, Crossing Oceans by Gina Holmes, A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton, and the O’Malley series by Dee Henderson among many other works.

Dani Pettrey is a homeschooling mom. She says this has influenced her career. This is because homeschooling has allowed a better flexibility in her writing schedule. While her children worked, she could join them and work on her writing. It also improved her writing because it became a family effort. She brainstorms with her husband and children. They also read her work and provide feedback. She is the author of the acclaimed Alaskan Courage series and the Chesapeake Valor Series. She also collaborated with Dee Henderson in the book, Sins of the Past. Dani Pettrey feels that having a regular 9 to 5 job would not have allowed her that kind of flexibility and team effort. She lives in Maryland with her husband, daughters, son in law and grandson.

Submerged is the first book of the Alaskan Courage series by Dani Pettrey. Yancey was a small, quiet town in Alaska. This was until the truth of what lay hidden in the depths off the coast began to surface. Bailey Craig had vowed never to set foot in Yancey again. Moreover, she had a past and a reputation, and Yancey was a small town. So when Bailey returned to Yancey for the funeral of a loved one killed in a plane crash, she was determined not to stay for a minute longer than necessary. However, dark evidence emerges and Bailey’s expertise becomes invaluable in the case. In fact, the plane had been sabotaged and two deep water divers were dead. Cole McKenna could handle the deep sea dives and help the police to collect evidence. He could even handle the fact that a murderer had settled in his home town. He could also take the fact that Yancey didn’t seem to be moving on. However, the reality of Bailey’s presence is a tough challenge. Bailey had broken his heart. Yet, she was not the same girl who had left Yancey. On the other hand, Bailey felt Cole let her down. Yet, he isn’t same man she left behind. Can Cole and Bailey move beyond the pain and disappointments of their past and build a new future together?

The book opens off the Coast of Tariuk Island in Alaska as Cole McKenna leaves the chaos above the surface for the chaos below. At forty feet, he slips his external light from his utility belt and turns it on. He sees the remains of the Cessna, and radios the surface to inform them that he is going off line. The surface informs him that the third diver is in the water. Cole is the dive captain and is responsible for every member of the rescue team. Kayden, the third diver, is his sister and Cole is careful not to let that affect his decisions. Cole returns his thoughts to the aircraft. The glow of the fuselage was no longer visible. Yet, he was hopeful that there was still enough air trapped in the craft to keep the victims alive. Soon he is inspecting the aircraft. Cole prays that Henry had tossed free before the aircraft nosedived into the ridge. Soon, the other members of the diving team join him and they remove the victims from the aircraft. Yet, time is short and they must rush to get them the surface and into the hospital. They find three people in the plane. Two of them, a man and a woman, are unconscious. The third, Agnes Gray, is still conscious at the back of the plane, in an air pocket. They quickly lift them to the surface. However, a fourth passenger and Henry, the plane’s pilot, are missing.

Shattered is the second book of the Alaskan Courage series by Dani Pettrey. Piper McKenna is thrilled that her prodigal brother, Reef, has returned home. He left Yancey five years ago. However, her happiness is short lived. Reef soon appears at her home covered in blood. He informs her that a fellow snowboarder has been killed in an accident. Reef swears innocence despite the bloody clothes. Piper is the sheriff in Yancey, and believes him. Landon Grainger, her deputy, loves the McKenna’s like family, yet he is also sworn to find the truth. Landon’s need for facts over faith makes Piper feel frustrated. Landon knows that those closest to you have the most power to deceive you. The sheriff pushes for a quick conviction, but some unexpected leads complicate the investigation. Will Landon’s pursuit of truth ruin his career? Piper is conducting her own search, and the two go deep into Canada’s rugged back-country. This results in unexpected complications. Piper and Landon’s long relationship starts taking a different turn. Also the dangerous case becomes deadlier with each step.

The book opens as Piper bolt upright with sweat dampening her pajamas despite the December chill. The clock reads 1:30 AM. She can hear creaks echo along the floorboards below. The steps are heavy and not like her sister Kayden’s. Aurora, her dog, is agitated and lunges at the door. Piper gets on her feet and opens the door slightly to peer into the darkness. Aurora slips past, as Piper tries to block her, and charges down the hallway. At that moment Kayden appears in the hallway with a rifle in hand, and pulls Aurora short. The three move down the hall. They can hear a male grunt below and something hit the ground. Kayden aims the rifle at the noise and orders the person to get to the lights. Piper switches on the light. She is horrified as she is met with the sight of her brother Reef, covered in blood.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Dani Pettrey

3 Responses to “Dani Pettrey”

  1. Phyllis Lamborn: 2 years ago

    Your books are great! I have read most of them at this point. My husband is reading them also. They are so captivating and fast paced, and I have trouble putting them down to get anything else done! I am going to have to use the chapters as rewards for completed tasks!! 😂
    Thank you, and God bless you! 🌿🌺🌿

  2. Karen Lytle: 2 years ago

    Thank you soo much for your books!! Got pulled in right from the beginning into these characters’ lives!! What a blessing during some of the shutdowns over the past while!! Keep up the great work!

  3. Jim Adams: 3 years ago

    I love your books and when I pick them up, I can’t put them down. Hope for many more series.


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