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Susan Dunlap Books In Order

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Publication Order of Jill Smith Books

Publication Order of Darcy Lott Books

Publication Order of Kiernan O'Shaughnessy Books

Publication Order of Vejay Haskell Books

An Equal Opportunity Death(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Bohemian Connection(1985)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Annual Slugfest(1986)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

No Safety(1989)Description / Buy at Amazon
Checkout(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Contest Fit for a Queen(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Celestial Buffet(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

No Safety and Other Short Stories(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Celestial Buffet and Other Morsels of Murder(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Karma and Other Stories(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

+ Click to View all Anthologies

Susan Dunlap has written many top-selling mystery novels throughout the past decades, with Her first successful publication distributed in 1981. Since her first book, she has published a variety of mystery novels including the very famous Jill Smith mystery series. Her books are always engaging and makes the reader feel like they are truly part of the story.

Born in 1943 and originally from New Jersey, Susan started out with a completely different approach to Her own career. Susan grew up in the suburbs of New York. She then went on to study in Pennsylvania, at Bucknell University. She originally signed up as a math major, but after failing all three of Her math classes, she had to create a backup plan that would help Her graduate. Graduating was very important for Susan at this time, and this is also why She decided to attend grad school in order to take on a subject that’s more widely targeted – this would also help her decide what direction She wants to take on in life.

Susan first realized She wanted to become a writer in College, but this was not something specific She wanted to study for. Instead, she ended up obtaining an M.A. in teaching – She obtained this degree while studying at the University of North Carolina. This helped Her get a job as a junior high teacher in Chapel Hill. Unfortunately, Susan didn’t enjoy Her career decisions as much as She wanted to, and She really hated teaching junior high students – She wanted something more and moved on from here.

After teaching in Chapel Hill, Susan decided to take on a different approach and went on to do social work. She started with social work in Baltimore, but also moved on to Upper Harlem, South Bronx and then ended Her social work in California. This is also when She decided to move to California – after a friend told her that “It’s always sunny in California”. Unfortunately, Susan soon found out that this was all but the truth and that things were just as hard in California as it were in the other cities she was in.

The fact that it’s NOT always sunny in California didn’t stop Susan from pursuing Her dreams at all. After living in California for a while, she got married – and this is where Her story really starts to blossom.

Having a passion for reading and a dream of also becoming a writer, Susan often read various types of novels. The event that changed her life happened after she read a mystery novel written by Agatha Christie – the novel inspired her and that’s when she turned to her husband with the words “I could do that!”. Her husband encouraged Her to give it a try as both of them knew this was a life-long dream for Susan – this very event is the event that made Susan the successful and renowned author she is today.

Susan took it upon Herself to give writing a try. She started writing with pen and paper, then turned towards the typewriter and finally produced Her very first manuscript. Her first manuscript wasn’t really good and had a lot of problems. This didn’t put Susan down at all and she just kept writing in order to pursue Her dreams. While writing, she was also still working as a social worker within Richmond in California, so she had quite a lot on Her plate.

With a will to pull through and a strive for success, Susan never gave up on her attempts to write a mystery novel that will be good enough for publishing. After writing and scratching, and writing again for a total of five years, she produced five different manuscripts. These weren’t good enough for Her and she never published any of them.

Susan took one more attempt at it, and wrote a sixth manuscript. This time, she was able to create a mystery novel that stood out from all of the others she wrote – this then later turned into her very first published book called “Karma”.

Karma formed the Jill Smith series, and this is also how Susan’s most successful and most beloved character was born. She officially published the book in 1981 and, after being such a great hit, she went on to publish a sequel in 1984, titled “As a Favor”. Since then, she has published a total of ten more books in the series, making this Her most successful work to date.

Susan was officially writing and publishing books, her lifelong dream of being a mystery novel writing was in reach. This gave her a lot of inspiration and motivation, which resulted in more series of books and also standalone books being published by her.

Susan published one standalone book that doesn’t follow a series and doesn’t have anything to do with any of her other books. The book was titled “Fast Friends” and was officially published in 2004.

Other series of books published by this successful mystery author includes the Kiernan O’Shaugnessy Mystery series, the Vejay Haskell Mystery series and also the Darcy Lott mystery series. Apart from the Jill Smith series she published, the Darcy Lott was the second most popular and was just as engaging as the first.

Susan recommends to her readers that they read Her books in order as they do have a lot in common with each other. When you start reading a new series from Susan Dunlap, you should start with the first book and move on to the next number as you finish them. This is most important for the Vejay Haskell series, as well as for the Kiernan O’Shaughness series. She also stated that, even though it’s not vital that you read the Jill Smith series in order, it will offer you a better experience and will help you understand who and what Jill Smith really is better.

Due to the high success rate of the books published by this author, she had to open up to new opportunities and doors that came her way. Apart from publishing and distributing printed books to her fans all over the world, she is also part of various digital marketplaces where you can buy her books in ebook form and enjoy them on devices such as ebook readers or even on your tablet or mobile phone.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Susan Dunlap

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