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Vanessa Nelson Books In Order

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A Broken Contract(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

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Vanessa Nelson is a published British author.

She resides in the United Kingdom, where she shares her wonderful home with not only her two large dogs and two cats but also all of the fictional characters that she comes up with in her books. The cats think that they should always be the ones to come first, while Vanessa’s older dog always gives signs he’s not getting enough attention by chewing on things at the house. Meanwhile, the younger dog gives her a nudge to let her know that he isn’t getting enough attention.

Vanessa says that she loves books and it’s because they are full of wonder, magic, and escape. Through words and their power, different worlds are able to open up. The only thing that you have to do in order to get there is take a physical book and open up its cover, or take an e-reader and turn it on. That’s it!

The author says that not too long after she learned to read many years ago, she had a magical moment that would end up being life-changing for her. Vanessa realized that the same stories that she was reading had not simply appeared out of nowhere. No, a person had gone to the effort to make them up. Some person had come up with the magic and the wonder that she was experiencing as a reader, and it was at that very moment that Vanessa knew what she would like to be when she got older.

Now that Vanessa had settled on wanting to write books as a career, once she finally grew up, she spent a lot of her time doing things like working her adult job and paying the mortgage. Recently, she has discovered the interesting position of what it is like to exist as a servant to her cats and her dogs. She says that it is true what people say, that cats have servants instead of owners.

The entire time that Vanessa Nelson was working and living her adult life, she was also using the spare time that she had to pursue her creative passion. She has admitted to using much of the spare time that she has to write little stories, wishing to share them out with the world hoping that someone out there might be able to read them and like she did, discover that they have been transported to another world out there entirely.

It was only a matter of time before Nelson’s stories that she was penning in the privacy of her own home started to be shared with the world. In July of 2018, that is exactly what she started doing and has not looked back since. She says that she writes stories that she finds interesting, and they usually contain characters that she has been thinking about that won’t leave her alone. She considers getting to share her stories with readers a privilege and at the end of the day, hopes that the reader enjoys them!

Vanessa Nelson is the author and creator of several fictional series of novels out there for readers to snap up and enjoy themselves. She first got started on the scene with the release of her Taellaneth series of novels in 2018, which began with Concealed. She also wrote the Hundred series of fictional novels, which got started with the release of the debut novel The Gathering in 2019. She is also the author of the Ageless Mysteries series, which began in 2021, and the Grey Gates series of novels, as well as her series Fractured Conclave.

The Taellaneth series began with the release of Concealed, the first novel in the series. If you have been searching for a unique series to get started on and want several installments in the series to enjoy, give this series a try!

Concealed begins with a scenario. That of a suspicious death, taking place in a peace that is quite weak, and also with the presence of secrets that could ruin everyone if they got out. Main character Arrow is looking forward to her freedom, which comes in just days. She’s bound by oath to the Erith in place for her life. But she’s been set one more task by the Erith to take care of before she can enjoy liberty. She must look into a shape-changer’s death, one of the enemies of the Erith.

Meanwhile, the shape-changers believe that it is the Erith that have carried out this murder and accuse them of such. As a fresh war breaks out between the races, she gets her opportunity to look for answers. The only concern is that there may be someone out there that doesn’t want her to find them.

With someone or multiple people not wanting these secrets dug up, Arrow’s life is now at risk in addition to her chance for freedom. She may have some skills when it comes to magic, but she’s also going to have to use just about everything she has if she wants to live so she can find out what really happened and keep a violent war from taking over two cultures entirely. Will she be successful in her efforts, or will someone get to her before she can find out the truth? Read this delightful debut to find out!

Revealed is the exciting second novel in Vanessa Nelson’s Taellaneth series. If you liked the action in the first novel, be sure to check out the sequel!

In this novel, more elements are at play. An exile is coming into her power, a killer has been captured, but the mastermind behind it all is still out there. Meanwhile, Arrow is finally getting close to seeing the possibility of her liberation from the Erith come true.

With a rogue musician out there that has skills in unclean magic, the magician is not only determined but ruthless and powerful enough to threaten just about everything in his way. This unfortunately also happens to extend to Arrow’s life and how she wants to live. But when her magic gets unlocked and its true strength is revealed, is it possible that Arrow is the only one with the ability to stop him? Read Revealed to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Vanessa Nelson

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