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Olivia Atwater Books In Order

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Publication Order of Regency Faerie Tales Books

Publication Order of Tales of the Iron Rose Books

with Nicholas Atwater
A Matter of Execution(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Echoes of the Imperium(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Victorian Faerie Tales Books

The Witchwood Knot(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Better Blurb Writing for Authors(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Reader-Friendly Writing for Authors(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Olivia Atwater is a fantasy author who is best known for her historical fantasy fiction works with just a little satire.

She also works a day job specializing in application security as a back-end web developer. She has said that she has always had an eclectic mind, even if she loves learning new things.
Before Olivia became a bestselling author, she held many jobs but her favorite was when she worked at a haunted house and wore heavy makeup to scare footballers and their girlfriends.
This was very satisfying since she loved that no matter how intimidating or big they were, they would always scream when surprised by the creepy clown.

Atwater currently makes her home in Montreal, Quebec where she lives with her husband and two felines. She loves tabletop games and reads a lot of history that she then applies to her novels.
Olivia published “Half a Soul” her debut work of fiction and the first of the “Regency Faerie Tales” series of novels in 2020. She now has at least five works of fiction to her name across several series and single-standing novels.

Like many novelists, Olivia Atwater got into writing under the influence of her parents, While at university, her father and mother met playing “Dungeons & Dragons” in which his father often played “Dungeon Master.”
Before Atwater had even learned how to walk, she had already been given a d20 roll. By the time she was ten years old, she was convinced that she would one day become a famous writer of a “Dungeons & Dragons” novel.
As an adult, she got into other careers even though she continued to write on the side. She has also run so many live-action and tabletop games that this has become something of a profession.

At some point, Atwater counted all the words on the live-action games she had run and written and she believes she has more than a million words on plot reference documents, character backgrounds, and storyteller instructions.
Given her background in tabletop, she believes this is where her predilection for short fiction novels comes from.

Somewhere in the back of her brain, she often thinks that she only has one session to complete her story before she is forced to terminate it by a scheduling conflict.

As for how she got into writing regency romances, Olivia Atwater credits it to when she worked as a historical re-enactor.

During this time, she learned a lot about Tudor, England, even as she got an education in English history in general.

At this time, she was interacting with people with master’s and doctorate degrees from different English eras. These people loved to tell her all about the lives of the lower classes, which she had a thirst for but could never find in mainstream media.
The passion these people had was infectious and hence it was not surprising that she started thinking of how she could work that interesting knowledge into books.

When Atwater first came up with the idea for her debut novel “Half a Soul,” all, she had was that her lead had lost half her soul, which made her socially awkward.

She then began looking for a setting and thought the Regency era was perfect since it was the worst time to live for a woman unable to properly read social cues.

It was also similar in many ways to the classical faerie tales and hence she went to her many historical fitness and consulted and her novel would then write itself.

Olivia Atwater’s novel “Half a Soul” tells the story of Ms. Dora Ettings who as a little girl has had an evil Fae elf eat half a soul. She has since become an adult woman with no emotions and she is something of a Vulcan-like person who does not feel much.
She usually has a general distaste for particular people and feels an impending sense of dread which she calls long-tailed emotions. Nonetheless, she cannot have in-the-moment emotions such as romantic love, fear, and happiness.
At the opening of the novel, Dora is looking for a man to marry since she believes she has come of age. Everyone expects her to get married but she thinks it would be hard given that she is so strange.

Trying to perform the etiquette and social graces needed in the high Victorian society in which she lives is never easy, particularly for someone with a lack of emotional intelligence.

Vanessa her cousin goes to great lengths trying to find something that will make Dora normal including a visit to a sorcerer with a reputation for doing the impossible.

Most people look down on the sorcerer as he never adheres to the expectations of someone in his social class and is often crude. But he may be the key to Dora regaining her place in the world.

“Ten Thousand Stitches” by Olivia Atwater tells the story of a woman named Euphemia Reeves. She works at the Hartfield estate as a housemaid and life is not that great given her station life.
The Lady and Lord of the Manor are awful people who often do things such as throw teapots at the heads of the maids.

Olivia dreams of something better and is surprised when Benedict Ashbrooke greets her one day like she is not an invisible maid but a person of rank.

Even though she knows she should not, she falls in love with the man which is sure to be a huge inconvenience. On his part, Lord Blackthorn has been trying to become a more virtuous man and agrees to help Effie win Mr. Benedict’s love.
It is always a bad idea to make a deal with a faerie but she does it anyway as they come to an agreement that she will get ten thousand stitches of embroidery on Lord Blackthorn’s jacket and he will make her love interest fall for her.
Full of regency shenanigans, it is a heartwarming read that will have you in thrall from the first page to the last.

Olivia Atwater’s novel “Longshadow” follows the life and times of Miss Abigail Wilder, a proper Regency lady who is somehow a magician.

She is living in a world in which the most eligible bachelorettes are mysteriously dying and she is determined to find out why.

Abigail is the daughter of Lord Sorcier of England, a man who thinks that the deaths could have something to do with “Lord Longshadow” the dark lord of the faeries.
Even though Abigail is not afraid to go against the dark lord, high society and even her father do not believe she has it in her to take him on.

The good thing is that she is not the only one who is engaged in investigations into the mysterious deaths in the English capital.

There is a self-taught magician and street rat named Mercy who joins Abigail’s quest to unravel the mystery. Even though the former’s magic is foreboding and strange, the biggest threat she may pose may be to Abigail’s heart.
It makes for queer faerie romance filled with defiant hope and love.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Olivia Atwater

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