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Colleen Coleman Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Don't Stop Me Now(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
I'm Still Standing(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Way or Another(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
For Once in My Life(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Irish Lake House(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Colleen Coleman is a bestselling author of international renown who has been publishing her novels ever since 2016. She published “Don’t Stop Me Now,” her debut work of fiction in 2017, and has never stopped since.
She now has at least five titles to her name and has said that she will not be slowing down any time soon. Over the years, she has made a name for herself penning uplifting and heartfelt fiction works that are focused on women’s issues.
Given the popularity of her work, she has won numerous awards as her novels have been translated into multiple languages.

Aside from her writing, she is also the founder of the transformative Yoga &Writing Retreats in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Cyprus.

Since she is a much sought-after keynote speaker and writing instructor, she has been invited to teach at conferences across the globe. At these conferences, she shares her passion for helping others find their voice and learn the craft of writing.
When Colleen Coleman is not writing or teaching, she can be found traveling with her twin daughters and her husband. She also loves a good laugh, spending time with friends, and making and eating delicious food.

Just like many of her contemporaries, Colleen Coleman always loved writing, reading talking, and storytelling in general. She always believed that by becoming an author, she would get the license to indulge in all that.
When she was a teenager studying in West Ireland, she used to enter every competition she came across, even though very few people knew about it.

For the most part, she was never shortlisted but the rejection gave her a lot of resilience and reminded her that there were many aspiring writers out there also chasing the dream.
Colleen used to write under the covers each night, scribbling down ideas and little snippers and sometimes tearing out everything and starting anew.

Every time she got an honorable mention, it built her confidence and fuelled her desire to keep forging ahead.

She would then attend an all-girls convent school where many of the teachers held exam answers and essays in the same esteem as creative writing. It was there that the seeds for her writing career were planted and began to grow.
Still, it would take about two decades for the shoots to push through the impeding layers of juggling career and family, revision, rejection, and self-doubt.

Colleen Coleman has often said in interviews that she was forced to put away her pages and pens for some time after she got her kids as life took over and her workload increased.

Still, the urge to write was always lurking in the background and when her life became a little less hectic in 2012, she entered the Kirsty Greenwood-run “Novelicious Undiscovered Competition” which she won.
The competition was aimed at unearthing the next chick-lit star and it would prove to be a major milestone for Colleen. After 200 entries, three months, 20 authors shortlisted she would win the People’s Choice Award with 1900 votes.
She was touched that she struck a chord with so many people. The win provided a lot of confidence not only in putting herself out there and seizing the moment but also in taking positive risks.
Just like winning the high school competition, this win relit the torch and she published “Don’t Stop Me Now” her debut novel in 2017.

“Don’t Stop Me Now” by Colleen Coleman is a feel-good and hilarious work about how to find your feet when the rug gets pulled out from under you.

The lead in the novel is Poppy Bloom, whose life plan is to get a doctorate in psychology, get a research job working at the university, and then end up married in domestic bliss to Gregory her handsome boyfriend.
But when she is done with her doctorate, she has no relationship, no job offers, and is also homeless. She goes back to live with her mother in her childhood bedroom which is the farthest thing she ever planned to do.
She is back to square one and could not be any more miserable and hence when she runs into Leanne her childhood friend, she is too eager to catch up. As they are catching up, she also runs into Tom who is the gorgeous brother to Leanne.
It is not long before she scores a boyfriend, a radio station, and a ton of friends and she believes things are getting better.

However, life always finds ways of tripping people up when they least expect it and this is just what happens to Poppy.

With a new romance, a new career, and a new friend, will she be able to keep everyone happy or will everything come tumbling down?

Colleen Coleman’s novel “I’m Still Standing” tells the story of Evelyn Dooley. When she got married to James her high school sweetheart she believed she was set for life.

She is now a single, twenty-eight-year-old who is leaving Dublin where she was brought up. She is fleeing from the gossip around her breakup that had been brought up by a board game known as Test Your Relationship.
Things had been going horribly wrong until she met Danny a gorgeous musician. They become fast friends and it is not long before they are working music nights together in one of the most popular Dublin pubs.
For the first time, it seems that things are going well and her dreams are back on track. In the meantime, the sparks are also flying between Danny and Evelyn.

But then she runs out of money and may just have to go back home. She will have to choose between having a new adventure with Danny her boyfriend or the comfortable and safe life she left behind.
Will Evelyn run back to the familiarity of the boyfriend she left behind or take a leap into the unknown and reach for the stars?

“For Once in My Life” by Colleen Coleman is another interesting work that tells of the life and times of Lily Buckley, a twenty-nine-year-old who expected that she would be in her dream job and happily married by now.

Instead, she finds herself single after she was abandoned at the alter when she was twenty-six. She works for the local newspaper and usually writes about mundane things such as a dog that resembles Chewbacca and massive vegetables at the village fete.
It is not the dream life she thought she would have and when she has the opportunity to write her own column she could not be happier. But she is being asked to do one scary thing every week and then write about it in the paper.

The best thing is that she gets a lot of encouragement from Christopher the adrenaline junkie and sexy colleague. From haunted houses to sky diving, Lily finds herself pushed to the limits.
Given that heartbreak has made her afraid of falling in love, she might just be pushed past it by her growing feelings for Christopher.

But things get a little complicated when Christopher’s ex comes back into the picture and her mother has a massive crisis and says she needs her back home.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Colleen Coleman

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