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Moses Ose Utomi Books In Order

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Publication Order of Forever Desert Books

The Lies of the Ajungo(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Truth of the Aleke(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Daughters of Oduma(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Moses Ose Utomi is a Nigerian American young adult fantasy and general fantasy author who lives in Honolulu Hawaii. The author has a Master of Fine Arts degree in fiction writing in addition to a Book Publishing certificate.
Utomi author penned his first work of fiction when he was just five. He penned a story about a group of warrior bunnies who came to Earth from Mars and remembers being very proud of his achievement.

The short story is still in the custody of his mother, even though it will never see the light of day when it comes to publishing. Since that time, he has become quite the renowned author who had penned slighter better stories.
Ose Utomi is now known primarily as a fantasy fiction author who pens works with the pacing and plots of psychological thrillers.

Much of his fiction is inspired by West African mythology and the culture he was brought up in, living with his immigrant parents in the United States.
In addition to his novels, he has also had several of his short fiction published in a variety of magazines and short story collections.

His most notable work though is “Daughters of Oduma,” a young adult fantasy work, and “The Lies of Ajungo,” an adult fantasy novella.

Growing up, Moses Ose Utomi loved reading books and he would often be found reading even in classes totally unrelated to reading.

When he was in elementary school, he ran into Elizabeth Winthrop’s “The Castle in the Attic.” While he can no longer remember the plot, the story gave him a sense of wonder that no book up to now has been able to replicate.
It was the first novel in which he felt that there was a secret being shared between the author and himself. Remember, this was a time before reader communities on the Internet such as StoryGraph and Goodreads.
Nonetheless, the book that would really change his life was Anthon Burgess’s “A Clockwork Orange.” It was the first novel that Utomi read that came with a very strong dialect that just felt right.
By the second chapter, his brain had been required to talk and think just like characters talk and think.

Every fiction work he has written ever since that time now includes some inspiration from that. He has said that he just loves to teach readers the dialect and speech patterns of his characters.
Other authors who have influenced his writing, include T.H. White, Rick Rememnder, Buchi Echemeta, Hajime Isayama, and Kazuo Ishiguro.

Moses Ose Utomi was inspired to pen “The Lies of Ajungo” probably from idiosyncratic insecurities and fascination, childhood upbringing, and current events.

He was going home from work one evening on the train when he suddenly had an intriguing line come to him that he could not ignore it.

He kept pondering why the City of Lies had no water and even more fascinating, why did the residents decide to call their city the City of Lies. When he got home, he went straight to his computer and began writing.
“The Lies of the Ajungo” was ultimately published in 2023. When he is not writing his bestselling fiction or reading, he loves to indulge his restlessness by traveling. He is also an obscure sports, karaoke, and martial arts addict.
He will sometimes spend time on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter where he sometimes interacts with his fans and readers.

Moses Ose Utomi’s novel “The Lies of the Ajungo” is an intriguing fantasy fiction work set in “The City of Lies.” Given that it lacks water, the city made a deal with the Ayungo Empire, which asks for the tongues of boys in exchange for water.
Tutu the protagonist knows his parched mother does not have long to live and soon he will have his tongue cut off. Tutu enters into a deal with the city of Oba where he gets some water and this action saves his mother.

But he will need to head into the desert to get the much-needed water for The City of Lies. The desert challenges his worldview and his ingrained beliefs, and teaches him that life can be both profound and superficial in addition to being full of lies.
Along the way, he meets characters who had been devastated by attacks by the Ayungo. They had been taking advantage of the desperation of the people, offering them bad deals, and when they could not keep them they called them liars.
Every encounter brings to light a different face to the atrocities of a cruel world. The work reads like a mix of dark fantasy and gritty fable as it looks into power struggles and how powerful people often deceive powerless people and keep them in thrall.

“The Truth of the Aleke” by Moses Ose Utomi sees the author makes a comeback to the series. In this work, he continues to tell his epic fable about the shackles of history, falsehood, and truth.
Three centuries following the events of the debut work in the series, the City of Truth is the only remaining settlement that is free in the Forever Desert.

It is a bastion of peace and freedom that had managed to survive the almost unrelenting attacks from the Cult of Tutu.

The Tutu have been besieging the City of Truth for more than 100 years as they attempt to subjugate the people and destroy their warrior classes. Osi the lead protagonist in the novel is a 17-year-old peacekeeper in the city.
When the Aleke, the mysterious head of the Cult steals the sacred God’s Eyes and visits a horrible massacre in the capital, Osi steps up to defend his city.

The reward for his bravery is being charged with the task of bringing back the God’s Eyes, destroying the evil Cult, and discovering the truth about the Cult’s leader.

Moses Ose Utomi’s novel “Daughters of Oduma” is a scintillating young adult fantasy similar to “The Gilded Ones” and “Creed” that finds inspiration from West African culture.
The elite fighting girls who make their living competing in the all-female elite sport of Bowing, live for fighting, dancing, and eating.

The lead is a sixteen-year-old girl named Dirt who is retired from the competition as she is deemed old. She now spends much of her time in dread of her upcoming birthday and teaching her younger sisters the ways of the competition.
In a few weeks, she will have to leave everything behind and go find her destiny. Her sisters have been coming along fine and she believes they could even win an upcoming tournament.

But then they are attacked by a powerful rival which leaves them devoid of their best Bower. It may be up to Dirt to take her place in the tournament so that she can save her sisters.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Moses Ose Utomi

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