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A.E. Warren Books In Order

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Publication Order of Tomorrow's Ancestors Books

Subject Twenty One(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hidden Base(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Fourth Species(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

A.E Warren is a bestselling science fiction author that is best known for her debut work of fiction “Subject Twenty-One.”

Before she became a bestselling author, she was a lawyer that spent nearly a decade in the legal profession. However, Warren had always dreamed of one day becoming an author, and this dream continued to fester, even when she was working in the law.

She thus began to write in the early mornings and late evenings. Part of it was the desire to become a fiction author while some of it was a form of escapism from a boring nine to five professional life in a small cubicle.

She self-published “Subject Twenty One,” her debut novel in 2021, and in the same year “The Hidden Base,” which was a follow-up to her debut.

Even though she self-published her first two works, she became very popular that she got into the fantasy and fiction Imprint of Penguin Random House in Del Rey UK, which published her third work.

Warren currently makes her home in the United Kingdom, where she lives with her daughter and husband. She hopes that she can one day get a wise border terrier that she intends to christen Austen.

In addition to her writing, she is a fair weather runner, occasional gamer, and an avid reader.

For several years A.E. Warren wanted to pen a book a work on genetic engineering.

However, it was not until she sat down and started to study the ethics of repopulations, genetic engineering, and neanderthals that the idea for the “Tomorrow’s Ancestors” series was born.

She started thinking of how much genetic engineering costs, who would have access to it, and what would happen when some of that research is withheld from certain sections of society.

She also researched what would happen when some traits were deemed superior and more desirable as compared to others.

She also wove into all that access to information and restrictions on education because these are what are usually used to control populations.

Some of his most interesting readings was her research into Neanderthals, which included efforts to bring back extinct species.

Warren believed that if she could set her works in the future, then she could make something of his ideas. The idea of combining the past and the future was interesting and he set out to make it into a novel.

Amy began penning the manuscript for Subject Twenty-One in 2017 when she had an idea for a novel that she just could not get rid of.

Her debut was a popular work set in the future where a young woman refuses to accept the status quo and this opens her to the many lies that are the foundation of society.

For her work, she has been called one of the leading stars to come out of the United Kingdom in recent times.

In addition to writing her own novels, she is also a writing coach and ghostwriter.

A.E. Warren’s novel “Subject Twenty One” is a novel with a very compelling premise. It is set in a post-apocalyptic world where the citizens are genetically enhanced humans who are very badass.

The lead in the novel is a Sapien named Elise who lives with her Homo Sapiens family in a small community made up of humans that have never been genetically modified.

They had all been deemed responsible for a tragedy that had resulted in the near extinction of nearly all life in the world.

Elise has her world changed forever when she has the chance to be a companion of “Neanderthal Subject Twenty One,” when she gets a job at the Museum of Evolution.

Being a Sapien, she is the lowest on the totem pole and this job represents the only chance to escape an impoverished community, ostracisation, and stagnation.

Soon enough, Elise comes to the realization that being far away from the safety of her home, and the familiarity make her secrets all more difficult to hide.

The longer she stays at that job, the more she realizes that she is not that much different from the exhibits in the cages.

“The Base of Reflections” by A.E. Warren asks what happens when the future is no longer connected to the past. Elise and her colleagues have just made it to Uracil but their quest has come at a great price.
Desperate to bring her family over, she comes to an agreement with the Tri-Council in Uracil./ She will jeopardize her freedom and become their spy, if they will facilitate the safe passage of her family.
Still, she needs to first help rescue “Twenty Two” the next Neanderthal. Twenty is a neanderthal that has lived most of her life in the steel cage that kept her away from the other exhibits.

She has never made contact with anyone outside and does not know why she was left behind. With diminishing deliveries of water and food, she will need to start breaking the rules at the museum if she is to get a second chance at life.

Continuing the story of Elise and her colleagues, it tells of their struggle to make sense of a very unique and brutal world. They will need to adapt fast if they are to survive.

A.E. Warren’s novel “The Fourth Species” opens with Elise now an employee of the infiltration department for a little over a year. She has been increasingly frustrated with their unwillingness to fight injustice.

But when they are finally going to be ready to be on the offensive will she be ready for what will transpire?

As for Twenty Two, she is finally free following years of imprisonment even though not everyone thinks she should have been given her freedom. If she will not be accepted in Uracil, just where will she fit in?

As for Genevieve, she lives as a high-ranking Medius, which makes it possible to hide all weaknesses. But things get interesting when she discovers what Potior is planning at the Museum of Evolution.
When a serious threat no one could have foreseen comes to pass, they will all have to fight very hard to preserve their future.

Book Series In Order » Authors » A.E. Warren

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