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D. Gideon Books In Order

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Publication Order of Sunfall Books

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D. Gideon
Drew Gideon spends a lot of her time arguing with all of the characters in her head, and the characters usually end up winning. She lives with her three cool children and her husband in the sweaty armpit of America. Drew is owned proudly by a dog and two cats, who all adopted her when she went to the shelter in need of a buddy.

She longs for a time when she will have a self-sufficient homestead and a cozy writing cabin out in the mountains, where she can use her own personal shooting range dressed in nothing but a good set of cans and pjs if she wants. Obviously, she would much prefer to ditch the cans and use a nice suppressor. Ditching the pjs would be pretty neat, too.

Drew’s first novel, called “Journey”, was released in the year 2016. She writes the “Sunfall” series which is from the post apocalyptic genre.

“Journey” is the first novel in the “Sunfall” series and was released in the year 2016. One immense coronal mass ejection, which the modern world’s never seen before, covers the whole Earth and ruins the power grid all around the world.

Ripley Miller is just a tomboy at heart that has never met a stranger. She planned on just finishing up her veterinary studies and taking her family to the country, where life would not be that much of a struggle. She believed the worst she would need to deal with while at the University of Maryland were the attitudes of the affluent students and the unwelcome advances. As well as the occasional East Coast hurricane.

She never once thought the sun might fall down. Now she has zero communication with her family and, thanks to the zero-tolerance policy of the University, no weapons she can use to protect herself with. Society’s getting more and more desperate and panicked and the government’s rather slow to respond.

The world, as she knew it to be, was over. A world of betrayal, lawlessness, and scarcity has started. Could she become the woman that she needs to in order for her and her buddies to make it back home? With the thin facade of a civilized society collapsing, could she even survive?

This is a well written tale that pulls you in right from the start and keeps you engaged until the end. It is entertaining and enjoyable throughout, with a great cast of characters, particularly Dottie, who is likable from the start. The rest of these characters grow on you as the novel progresses. These aren’t characters that have everything figured out, despite having prepped some for something like this, and had to figure things out along the way, which is a nice change to some.

“Advent” is the second novel in the “Sunfall” series and was released in the year 2017. Ripley and her friends escaped the lockdown at the University and began their journey walking back home. They have found an opportunity to stock up on the supplies they really need, but the risk is great. Marco insists that the world is much more dangerous than it appears, but Riley isn’t quite convinced. She is going to get a very bloody wake-up call.

Back at home, Dotty is worrying over her makeshift family, scattered about to the four corners. Her neighbor has run out of food already and is getting pushy. There has been a riot and some guy was killed. The old people have started dying. Holiday travelers, who are stranded without gas, fill up the parking lots in town. Right at the edge of town, the Sheriff, watching over the Federal prison, faces a terrible choice.

The idyllic small town of Snow Hill has become a powder keg, and the Mayor’s holding a lit match. Over the previous hundred years, people got so reliant on electricity that they forgot all about how to provide for themselves. With just a push of a button, they cooked their food in just minutes. Endless clean water flowed out of their faucets. Freezers would preserve food for many years. Stores would be open twenty-four hours a day, so there wasn’t any need to stock a pantry. What once was thought of as magical had just become normal.

This is a thrill ride from start to finish with this turning into a pretty cool book series. Drew does a fantastic job of illustrating how careless choices during these situations have serious consequences, even while the characters are cheating death, some steep prices will still be paid. Her portrayal of the confusion, violence, and chaos during a situation like this were top notch.

“Impact” is the third novel in the “Sunfall” series and was released in the year 2019. The night sky’s stopped bleeding. Everybody’s made it back home safely, if not sound. The National Guard has shown up with water and food. The folks of Snow Hill have the chance to prep for winter, and ultimately what lies beyond.

The violence, fear, and desperation have not abated. Vandalism and break-ins leave the residents horrified. Robbers slip between each of the houses during the middle of the night. People have been ending up dead.

The Mayor, using his expanded powers, creates a brand new local police force to bring under his control all of the townspeople. Not everybody appreciates this effort. It quickly becomes clear that an evil government tightens its grip, it’s liberty that winds up suffering.

There is a storm brewing, however nobody sees it coming. A kind old lady is soon going to find that neighbors can become foes, one monster is going to recover his humanity, and this one old war dog’s going to show he still has sharp teeth.

Fans of the novel enjoyed reading about Preacher (who is interesting and strong) and Dotty (a plucky character). They liked the new characters so much that they were on edge hoping Preacher would make it out by the end. Once again, the book held the readers’ attention and they cannot wait to see where things go from here.

Book Series In Order » Authors » D. Gideon

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