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William H.S. McIntyre Books In Order

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Publication Order of Robbie Munro / Best Defense Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

One Last Second Chance(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Right Place Wrong Time(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Alex Munro's Whisky Tour: A Beginner's Guide to Single Malt Whisky(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
How To Not Get Published: and other helpful advice(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Collections

About William H.S. McIntyre
The Scottish author William H.S. McIntyre is extremely well regarded for his engaging and compelling mystery novels. Writing with both wit and warmth, he brings his own dry sense-of-humour to the genre, really bringing his stories to life in the process. Knowing his subject through to the core, he has a clear grasp of the legal industry having previously worked as a criminal defence lawyer. Looking at the genre through his own distinctive lens, he offers another side to this classic format, allowing his own ideas and messages to shine through.

With many of his novels taking place in Scotland too, McIntyre draws heavily from the world around him as an author. This makes for some extremely well realized and vivid portrayals of the criminal justice system there, remaining true to the style and tone of his chosen genre. Over time his readers have come to find themselves immersed in his writing, with its addictive quality and nature that grabs instantly. The characters he creates are also highly believable, as they essentially come to life off of the page, staying with the reader.

Leaving a lasting impact with his audience, McIntyre knows how to entertain too, providing engaging stories as well. Keeping his audience continually coming back for more, he really does his best to ensure that his books say something important. Writing with both confidence and wit, it’s no surprise that he’s fast becoming a household name the world over for so many. With a lot more to come still, he’s definitely a writer to continue watching in the years to follow, as plenty more titles are planned in the pipeline.

Early and Personal Life:
Specializing in criminal defence, William H.S. McIntyre would have a long and prestigious career working in law prior to becoming a writer. This would provide him with the insight needed to write thriller and mystery novels, giving his work a higher degree of authenticity where needed. Working in this particular field for over thirty years, he’d come to provide assistance to many high-profile cases over the course of his legal career.

Wanting to look at what justice really means through the lens of fiction, he’d take the many tropes of the thriller genre and turn them on their head. Developing his style over time, he’d come to find his own voice and distinctive approach as an author, allowing him to say what he wanted to say. He wont be stopping any time soon either, as he’s a writer that’ll continue to go from strength-to-strength.

Writing Career:
In 2012 William H.S. McIntyre would write his first novel titled ‘Relatively Guilty’, and this would also come to be the first in the Robbie Munro series of books. Over the years he’d write a number of these mysteries, as he’d seek to bring a sense of realism to the thriller genre, using his own experiences to help inspire him. Known officially as the ‘Best Defence’ series, this collection of books would come to define him and his literary career, also writing a stand-alone novel, and a non-fiction title on Whisky in 2013, making for a highly versatile career so far. With his signature dry wit as well, he’s fast become a household name for many across the world, as more come to enjoy his novels every day.

Last Will
This would first come out in 2014 on the 31st of October, setting up the sixth title in the ‘Best Defence’ series of novels. Continuing on from the previous titles, it provides another case for the criminal defence attorney Robbie Munro to solve. Set in Scotland, it’s very much a story of its place and time, really pushing the concept, along with its characters, in an interesting manner.

With intelligent and funny characters coupled with realistic narratives and stories, this really works on a number of levels. Opening up the world of Robbie Munro, it brings the story forwards, making the most of its engaging and compelling premise. Filled with plenty of twists and turns too, it really works, drawing the reader in and keeping them constantly held there throughout.

On trial looking to prove he’s fit to be a father, Robbie Munro is up against the clock with only a month and, not only that, but now his landlord Jake Turpie has been implicated in a murder. With psychopathic tendencies, Jake is throwing money at Robbie to represent him in court, along with suspect evidence, and Robbie must choose between him and his daughter. Looking to deal with both cases, he finds himself thrown head-first into a dark and murky world, one filled drug deal and high-end fashion. Will Munro be able to deal with both the cases in hand? Can he emerge successful from them both? What will become of his last will?

Good News, Bad News
Initially published on the 20th of April in 2017, this was first brought out through the Sandstone Press publishing label. Setting up the eighth title in the ongoing ‘Best Defence’ collection of books, it would once again return to the world of Robbie Munro. Following on from the previous novels, it would continue many of the arcs, whilst also bringing in some surprise developments along the way.

There’s so many involving elements to this series, and this entry into the franchise really does help exemplify the best of this. Giving the story a real sense of drive, McIntyre definitely knows what he’s doing here, with many of the characters being familiar by now. The story pulls the reader in and grips them throughout, with his addictive style of writing that is self-assured every step of the way.

Representing the daughter of Sheriff Brechin, Robbie Munro must defend Antonia Brechin on a drugs charge. He’s also searching for the husband of another client who’s just won the lottery, as it seems this Freddy has disappeared after swindling Jake Turpie. Attempting to make sense of it all, Robbie must juggle everything, whilst keeping all of his clients out of trouble and harm’s way. Can he really manage it though? Will he be able to keep himself safe in the process? What will become of the good news, bad news?

Book Series In Order » Authors » William H.S. McIntyre

2 Responses to “William H.S. McIntyre”

  1. William H. S. McIntyre: 6 months ago

    Very nice of you to say so. Be sure and watch out for the latest books available on Amazon.

  2. Alan Paterson: 2 years ago

    I am about to read “Fixed Odds” and can only hope that there will be more from Robbie Munro in the future. William McIntyre has given us one of the cleverest and wittiest series that has been an absolute joy to read. And laugh out loud, page after page Highly recommended!!
    Thank you for putting him onto me.


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