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Jason F. Wright Books In Order

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Publication Order of Christmas Jars Books

Christmas Jars(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Penny's Christmas Jar Miracle(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Christmas Jars Reunion(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Christmas Jar for Santa(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Christmas Jars Journey(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The James Miracle(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wednesday Letters(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Recovering Charles(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Cross Gardener(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Seventeen Second Miracle(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wedding Letters(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The 13th Day of Christmas(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Underground (With: Dave Jeffery)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Christmas Doll(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Christmas Jukebox(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Even the Dog Knows(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

The Proposal Letter(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The 96th Annual Apple Valley Barn Dance(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Picturing Christmas (With: Adrien Fuss)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Rescue(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wright Words(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Letter to Mary(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Seen, Loved, Lifted(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Until You Find Strength(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rise Today: Trusting God and His Promise(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Essays

Wright Words - 2010(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wright Words - 2011(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wright Words - 2012(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Jason F Wright
Jason F Wright is an USA Today, New York Times, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of contemporary and fiction books best known for his books The Wednesday Letters and The Cross Gardener. He writes about common issues in society and the difference that faith brings in all those situations. Wright also works as a political commentator and he’s a co-founder of, a platform where political junkies engage and share ideas.

The Seventeen Second Miracle
The Seventeen Second Miracle is an inspirational story with one central teaching; seventeen seconds can make all the difference in someone’s life. Rex Connor learns this lesson when a tragedy happens on a hot summer afternoon in 1970. Rex is enjoying a swim with his girlfriend Sparks and her baby sister Flick. It is Flick’s birthday, and the eight-year-old is having fun playing in the water. Flick’s mother leaves Rex in charge of watching her daughter, a job he can comfortably do at seventeen. However, a few seconds after turning his attention away from Flick, the young girl drowns, and all efforts to revive her are futile. Everyone is devastated, more so Flick’s mum, who blames Rex for her daughter’s death.

For a while, Rex carries the guilt with him, which prompts him to start noticing those who are in need. Seeing the hurt in other people’s eyes become easy now that he knows how to be sad, angry, and helpless. Instead of wallowing in grief, the young man chooses to start doing small and random acts of kindness. Rex also started to notice all the beautiful things that others do for him. Once he shares this with Sparks, she encourages him to get a journal and note these kind acts every day. After that, Spark started a journal where she recorded all Rex was doing for others. Spark labeled these entries Seventeen Second Miracles.

Once he becomes a father, Rex was keen to pass his legacy and journals to his son, Cole. Rex told his son that there is a difference between doing good and being a do-good person whose motives are self-centered. He also emphasized that love is a verb, and you have to show it through actions. Thanks to these teachings, Cole became a teacher who leads Seventeen Second Miracle Discussion Groups with his high school students. On one such discussion, students hand-picked by the headteacher are discussing what happened to Connor and how his experience could have destroyed him. Instead, he chose to use his seventeen seconds to spread kindness and bring joy to many.

While this is a work of fiction, The Seventeen Second Miracle reads like a true story. The characters are lovable and identifiable, and the storyline is exciting and believable. Additionally, the content is quite inspiring and capable of changing one’s life forever. If there is something you will learn from this book, it is that miracles do happen, but you can only see them if you participate. Extend kindness to those around you and watch how this will change your life for good. This is a perfect read if you are on a self-improvement journey, and you are looking for inspiration.

The Wednesday Letters
The Wednesday Letters tells the story of a couple who made a lifetime commitment to keep the communication lines open throughout their marriage. This all started on the wedding night. The groom, Jack Cooper, wrote his bride Laurel a letter and promised her that every week, for as long as they were alive, he would write her a letter. True to his word, Jack keeps this tradition alive throughout his marriage. Every Wednesday of the week, Jack wrote his bride a letter. Herein, he poured his heart to her, highlighting the issues the couple was going through. Thirty-nine years later, the couple dies on the same day and in each other’s arms. Just before he breathed his last, Jack scribbles his last letter to his wife.

Now the family is gathered at their home for a double funeral. The children discover thousands of letters the parents exchanged for all those years. A secret is releveled, and the family is left with no choice but to resolve it. The letters also reveal issues that the children never knew about their parents. Who would have thought a devastating thing such as rape had occurred, a child born out of this ordeal survived and not loved any less by the parents? While the letters are essential for the story, they do not dominate the narrative as the author doesn’t detail the content in them.

From this story, it is clear that communication is important in every marriage. Thanks to the letters, Jack and Laurel were able to communicate about current issues and find a way forward together. The story also reminds us that all is not easy and rosy in marriage. Challenges are common, partners hurt each other, and at times a partner is fighting a personal battle that only they can understand. Again, the author also highlights the importance of forgiveness when confronted by issues we have no power over. If something unpleasant happens, you can choose to let it destroy you or choose forgiveness, especially for your own good. The characters’ faith in God is admirable. This couple often resulted in prayer when they hit a brick wall and felt that only a higher power could help them overcome their struggles.

The Wednesday letters is a story of family and marriage. This faith-based book also focuses a lot on forgiveness. In here, you will read about the surprising sorrows and joys that come with every marriage and the effect forgiveness has on any union. It is easy to see how we quickly judge others even when we do not know their whole story. This is a perfect choice if you are looking for a cute and romantic book. At slightly less than 300 pages, the book works if you are in the mood for a quick read. Reading about the love that Jack and Laurel shared will restore your faith in true love and possibly push you to be gentler and more unconditional in your love for others.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jason F. Wright

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