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Maja Lunde Books In Order

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Publication Order of Klimakvartetten Books

The History of Bees(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The End of the Ocean(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Wild Horses(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Maja Lunde is a literary fiction author that has been touted as the most successful Norwegian author of contemporary times. She has sold more than 2.5 million copies of her works that have also been translated into more than forty languages. She has written more than a dozen young adult and children books that include “The Coolest Gang in the World” the series, “Across the Border” and “Battle.” In 2018 she wrote “The Snow Sister,” a children’s book that would become one of the biggest literary successes in Norwegian literature for decades. The novel went on to be published by different publishers across the world. Her first adult novel was the 2015 published “The History of Bees” that has received a range of awards including the Norwegian Booksellers’ Prize. Its rights have so far been sold in more than 35 jurisdictions across the globe. In 2017, the novel was a bestselling title in Germany far outselling any other book. In 2017, she published her second novel “Blue” that has also achieved just as much success as it is licensed for publication in more than 20 counties.

Bestselling author Lunde was born in the Bislett suburb in Oslo in 1975. She attended the Fagerborg videregående high school though she took a break as she wanted to travel. During her gap year between 1992 and 1993, she sailed with Christian Radich a training ship. Once she was done with high school, she attended the University of Oslo, where she studied in literature and minored in psychology in her earlier years. It was during her studies that she wrote Mass Media, Influence and Aggression, which is one of her most popular media essays. Lunde would major in communications and media specializing in film and film history. For her thesis, she studied film writing and the life and career of director Nils R. Muller. Once she graduated from college, she was appointed the administrator of the Lillehammer Amandus Festival and later on took on a job at the Film Museum as a museum educator. She then got a job at Frogner Cinema as a manager before she became Kulturmeglene AS’s communications manager in 2006. Her job description included producing Norwegian feature films.

During this time, she was also writing screenplays and in 2009, she felt confident enough to leave her job and write full time. She found a job with NRK Super writing screenplays for children’s “Supershow” before he ultimately ended up on “Side by Side” and “Home” the TV series on NRK1. She also worked on several feature films at the time and in 2011 she wrote the script for Battle the dance film that was the winner of the Kosmorama’s pitch competition. She also started working on getting some of the ideas she had about film into novels. In 2012 she wrote her debut children’s novel “Supershow” that was then followed by “Across the Border.” She then followed the children’s novels with “Battle” a young adult novel followed by the young adult series “The Coolest Gang in the World.” In 2015. she made her debut novel for adults with the novel “The History of Bees.” She currently lives with his wife and three children in Godlia, Oslo.

Maja Lunde’s “The History of Bees” is an ambitious and dazzling literary debut that follows several generations of bookkeepers. It weaves a spellbinding story of their relationship with their children, bees and to one another in the wake of a global crisis. The novel is set in 1852 England where seed merchant and biologist William decides to build a new beehive design that will get him and his descendants fame and honor. Several decades later, it is 2007 in the United States and George a beekeeper is having trouble dealing with modern farming methods and hopes that his son can find a solution. Several decades later in 2098, the bees have disappeared and Tao is painting pollen onto fruit trees. When the authorities take away his son following a tragic accident, she is determined to find out what happened to him. The novel is a deftly written, illuminating and haunting story that combines three different narratives into a compelling story. It tells a story of the relationship between humanity and nature and the bond between parents and children.

Lunde’s “The End of the Ocean” is the story of Signe set in 2017. She is a seventy-year-old woman that is back home, to a place where she had a terrible relationship with her mother and is now tortured by her past. It is more painful to see the beautiful place she once called home now ruined. The town had been an idyllic place with beautiful falls descending down the mountain to flow in a river down toward the lake. The spot had offered a wonderful haven for the people and animals of the small town. But then mechanization and industry came into town and what had been a magnificent glacier was melted down to make expensive drinks. The river no longer flowed as it was piped and redirected to a power station to provide hydroelectricity. Signe is horrified by these changes and is determined to face up to the people that are responsible. It then moves forward to 2041 where David and his daughter Lou are facing a terrible drought. He is employed at a water salinization plant but had to run after a fire incident. Nobody knows what exactly went down but he had been separated from his infant son and his wife. Europe is at war and their only hope to reunite with the other members of the family is to wait for them at a camp. But a lot of people are attempting to get farther North where the drought has not had too much impact.

“Przewalskis Hest” the third novel of the “Klimakvartetten Series” by Maja Lunde is set in 1881 St Petersburg. Mikhail has just been presented with the skeleton or a recently killed wild horse from Mongolia. The zoologist finds the carcass strange since it has tell-tale marks that suggest that it came from an extinct species. He immediately starts planning an expedition to the Steppes of Mongolia though it would mean that he has to leave the safety of the capital for the sake of science. Flash forward to 1992 Mongolia, and Karin has been involved in trying to bring back home the horse Przewalski from Europe. It has taken several years but is now close to being successful. Since she was a child she had lived with wild horses and hence had developed a bond with horses that she wanted to introduce to her son who she travels with. The novel then jumps to 2064 Norway where Eva is having bad times as there is scarcely any food, power shortages in a disintegrating Europe. It is only a few days before they will have a hopeless situation but Eva has never been one to give up. She is determined to fight for their survival.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Maja Lunde

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