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Jessica Townsend Books In Order

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Publication Order of Nevermoor Books

Jessica Townsend is a fantasy writer based in Australia. Before delving into fulltime writing, Townsend worked as a copywriter and editor for a children magazine on wildlife. Townsend is fascinated by ancient cities, opera singers, and public transport, to mention but a few. She uses things that interest her for inspiration and includes some of these in her story.

The Trials of Morrigan Crow

The Trials of Morrigan Crow is the story of a cursed girl who finds her way into a magical world. Morrigan Crow was born on Eventide, an unlucky day for any child to be born. The day Morrigan is born acts like her curse, and people blame her for everything from heart attacks to hailstorms. Thanks to her unlucky birthday date, Morrigan is destined to die on her eleventh birthday right at midnight. Morrigan knows about her fate, and as she awaits it, a man named Jupiter North promises to change the course of her destiny.

Hunters accompany Jupiter on horseback and black-smoke hounds. The entourage whisks Morrigan into a magical city named Nevermoor. Here, Morrigan finds out that Jupiter wanted her to take up the most prestigious organization in the city. However, for Morrigan to qualify for the position, she has to participate in four trials. These trials are not only dangerous, but Morrigan will be competing against hundreds of other children who have special powers. As if the odds couldn’t be worse, these kids possess a unique ability that Morrigan is sure that she doesn’t have. Morrigan knowns that the only way to stay in this magical land where death cannot touch her is to Pass all the tests. Will Morrigan pass the tests? Will he be getting help from anyone else aside from Jupiter?

Join Morrigan on this high-stake competition where she will have to bring her A-game and stay focused to the end. The intensity of it all will leave you at the edge of your seat, and it will be refreshing to see how the main character pushes herself to the end. To the young minds, this book teaches the value of believing in yourself and friendship. There are many fun characters to meet from the perfect and sassy talking cat to the cast at the hotel. The scenes are just as epic with the Christmas one standing out among all the rest.

Morrigan is a perfect protagonist who comes with many lovable traits. The magic world also comes with many exciting characters, and it will be fun to see how these characters interact with someone who is not of their kind. The story reads like a love letter to found families. For children who feel unwanted, this is a perfect read that is sure to motivate them to look at life differently. Whatever the circumstances of their birth, children in such situations can choose to embrace the family they want.

The Trials of Morrigan Crow is a well-written piece that comes with an overwhelming message. We can be whatever we want if only we stay focused. The past doesn’t matter. You can begin today and accomplish whatever goal you set. This book comes with so much love, and, incredibly, a situation that once seemed grim is replaced by something entirely beautiful.


Wundersmith is the second book in the Nevermoor series. This book starts right where the first one ended. In the first book, many kids who participated in the competition were dropped because they did not do so well. The one who made it is required to go the WunSoc to learn a thing or two about this world. Morrigan’s first disappointment is the boring classes she has to attend and to make it worse; the young girl is required to keep her magic under wraps. There is also the issue of everyone, including her friends going against her.

In this book, Morrigan has already defeated the deadly curse that has been following her since her birth. The young girl is no longer destined to die on her birthday. The Wundrous Society has welcomed her with open arms, and Morrigan is more than happy to be in this world. This young girl is learning that magic is used differently, and it is not always used for good.

Morrigan anticipated continuous learning in her newfound home. Besides this, the young woman is looking to make good friends. However, the reality is different, and for now, all that Morrigan seems to be learning is how evil the Wundersmith are. Things get worse when someone starts to blackmail Morrigan’s unit. Now the young girl has to watch helplessly as the few loyal friends she has turned against her. Is this the life that Morrigan will have to endure? The worst happens when people start disappearing. The once haven where the residents enjoyed the magic and optimal security becomes a place driven by fear. What will happen to Morrigan and the residents of this magic world now? Does Morrigan need to be concerned because of the friends she keeps on losing the longer she stays here?

The author succeeds in pulling the reader into a magical world right from the first page. The pace is consistent throughout, and you are going to have a hard time putting the book down before you have read it to the end. Morrigan’s classes act as a self-discovery journey where the young girl will learn to love and accept herself. Just like most children’s classics, the author plays the fallibility of adults and show some of the solutions available when things do not go as we plan. What do you do when adults make decisions that affect friendships? How about magic and its devastating effects when it is used for evil?

Wundersmith is a perfect read for both adults and children. The world of magic is more than fascinating, and it is refreshing to see how much Morrigan has grown from the first book. The narration is naturally flawless, and it helps that the author is quite talented and has a unique way of writing compelling stories. It’s a worthy read that will grab your attention from the first page.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jessica Townsend

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