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Victoria Danann Books In Order

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Publication Order of Knights of Black Swan Books

My Familiar Stranger(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Witch's Dream(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Summoner's Tale(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Moonlight: The Big Bad Wolf(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Gathering Storm(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Tale of Two Kingdoms(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Solomon's Sieve(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Vampire Hunter(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Journey Man(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Falcon: Resistance(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Jax: Resurrection(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Deliverance(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Black Dog(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Music Demon(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Order of the Black Swan, D.I.T. Books

Simon Says / Trespass(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Finngarick(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Irish War Cry(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Big Bend Wolves Books

Publication Order of Cajun Devils MC Books

Publication Order of Exiled Books

Publication Order of Hotblooded Books

Publication Order of New Scotia Pack Books

Liulf: Alpha of the Mahdrah Ahlee / Shield Wolf(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wolf Lover: Konochur(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fire Wolf: Cinaed(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Not Too Late Books

Midlife Magic(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Midlife Blues(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Midlife Mojo(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Midlife at Midnight(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Midlife at Midsummer(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Trade Winds Inn(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Trials of Tregeagle(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hallow Hill at Halloween: Part One(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hallow Hill at Halloween: Part Two(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Prince of Demons Books

Prince of Demons #1-3(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of R. Caine High School Books

Publication Order of Sons of Sanctuary MC Books

Publication Order of Warlock Coven Books

Publication Order of The Witches of Wimberley Books

Victoria Danann is an American author. If you are a fan of romance stories that have unique characters and stories,, then check out her work and see what you think!

Danann is a best-selling writer with USA Today and more. She is married and lives in Texas with her husband. She is known for her interesting plots that include all manner of creatures from werewolves to vampires and vampire hunters. She generally writes romance, so if you enjoy unique love stories, then consider looking into some books by this author.

Victoria Danann is the author of her original fiction series, Knights of Black Swan. Readers were first able to check out this series in 2012, which is when the debut novel was published. It was quickly followed by the sequel, which is titled The Witch’s Dream. There would be several more installments of the stories with over a dozen in this series, so if you are looking for engaging fantasy then check this series out!

My Familiar Stranger is the first story to come out in the Knights of Black Swan series. If you are a fan of the paranormal romance genre, then you are really going to enjoy this novel that was the winner for being the best series of paranormal romance with the Reviewers’ Choice Award!

The main character in this story is a young woman named Elora Laiken. Her world is about to totally flip one day when she loses just about everything that she would consider familiar to her, all in a stunning course of minutes.

She manages to escape being assassinated by going into a device– one that’s experimental, no less. Going into that device would break her on an emotional and physical level and strand her in another world entirely. Elora wakes up and finds that she is definitely not in Kansas anymore.

This world happens to have all sorts of interesting creatures and people living there that are definitely not all categorized as humans. These include witches, werewolves, elves, vampires, fairies, knights, demons, and more. While they may seem scary to some, if Elora can make friends with them and get them to be on her side, she might just come out of this thing alive.

Little does she know in her attempt to befriend these creatures that they may become her greatest allies. In a new world where she knows no one, Elora is about to find friends and even family among the extraordinary individuals that reside there. Find out more about this world by picking up a copy of this novel today!

The Witch’s Dream is the exciting sequel and second story in the Black Swan series. When the reader last left this world, they left Elora finding her way after crash landing into a dimension that she never even would have known existed if she hadn’t made her way through.

Getting into this world happened by accident. This was a dimension that she had never planned on experiencing and she had nothing there and didn’t know anybody. She made the journey in one piece, but just barely came through alive. Even though it was a rough transition, Elora was lucky enough to land on her feet in a great place– maybe even the best possible.

She had entered into a vampire hunter society that had gone back for years. They had the medical ability to put Elora back together into one piece. She can’t return home yet and must stay in this dimension. Her journey continues in this world whether she likes it or not. It might be a little bit of time that has to pass before Elora can even think about returning to her home dimension, no badly how bad she desires it.

She might have an advantage that she could use, however. She gained extra abilities when she slipped through the dimensions. If she uses them to work for the knights of Black Swan, she might be able to keep her friends alive while she is there.

She also has romantic options regarding her personal life. She likes the knight that saved her life. He has a lot of strength and is honorable to the core. Then there is an elf that thinks they are destined to be together. Of course, there is also a vampire that is attractive and interested in her as well. Who cares if he happens to be 600 years old?

Elora knows that she’s going to have to make some choices. Whether she’ll stick to them is another thing. She chose Sir Storm’s best friend initially, and the vampire hunter was torn. He swore off love and women as a result. He has no idea that a gorgeous witch named Litha Brandywine may have other ideas about whether he is done with romance or not.

The witch works for the Black Swan order and she’s gathered a reputation for being an excellent tracker too. Storm works there as well and when he gets to their Edinburgh headquarters, he has no idea that the witch is assigned there too. She is surprised to find that she actually likes Storm, but his heart is so hard that romance is not on the horizon for him.

Meanwhile, the B team also sets down in Edinburgh. An elf-tale wedding taking place is forced to end quickly when Katrina, engaged to Sir Kay, is abducted. Her kidnapper is a demon that has long held a grudge. Now Litha has been assigned to help search for a girl that has gone missing. Storm will be her escort on this mission.

She’s busy tracking this girl while the B team members try to hunt down a werewolf on the loose. The stray has been causing chaos in the city of London, and their mission is to find a new home for him and transfer him there once they catch him.

Can the witch find this girl before it’s too late? Can Storm keep his resolve to stay away from love and women in general? Will the team catch the werewolf? Pick up The Witch’s Dream and check out the Black Swan series to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Victoria Danann

3 Responses to “Victoria Danann”

  1. Jennifer: 3 years ago

    Yes I received a notification (on December 27,2021) from Amazon that Trials of Tregeagle had been released. But I when I go to get it, I can look it up, it comes up with searched, but get an error if I try to go to the download/purchase page. It say nothing about it not being available. Or not released yet. If that’s the case I wish they’d just say that instead of “sorry we couldn’t find that page” that doesn’t say not available yet. Or Release postponed. It says there’s a technical problem I need to get to the bottom of.
    Cuz I want my book! lol! And proceed to waste a bunch of time with endless searches, troubleshooting and contacting customer support to unearth something that was never there. Or fix technical issues that don’t exist. It’s really frustrating. Why can’t they be more informative? Or annoys the whole mess and send updates/amendments after false/mistaken or premature notifications!

  2. Sue: 3 years ago

    Looking for Trials of Tregeagle which was supposed to be released now.
    Any updates on the status?

    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      Her most recent update on social media said it would be in January


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