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Zack Taylor Books In Order

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Publication Order of Poetry Books

This Is Me: My Book of Poetry(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Zack Taylor Finance Books

Zero APR Credit Cards(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Zack Taylor Outdoor Books

Introduction to Canoeing (With: Bradford Angier)(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
Successful waterfowling(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon
Customizing Small Boats(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Zack Taylor Research Books

Shaping the Metropolis: Institutions and Urbanization in the United States and Canada(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Foxx's Vixen(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
Army of One(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fortune Won, Fortune Lost(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
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About Zack Taylor

Somewhat of an enigma, preferring to speak entirely through his work, the author Zack Taylor has been making considerable waves throughout the literary industry. Writing from a place that’s entirely personal to him, he manages to captivate readers with his edge of the seat action and excitement. Not only that, but he places something of himself in his characters, making them seem entirely real, and wholly believable, almost leaping off of the page for the reader. This has given him a certain standing and status within the industry as a whole, allowing him to rapidly rise in prominence. As a writer, Zack Taylor is a novelist who really knows what he’s about, creating stories with a sense of confidence and wit quite unlike any other. Setting up series and franchises, he’s promising to stick around for quite some time to come, with plenty more planned on the horizon.

Early and Personal Life

Always interested in literature from an early age, the writer to be Zack Taylor would show a passion for both reading and writing from early on. This, coupled with his drive to do the right thing and seek justice for those in need, whilst also conveying a sense of compassion, something which would also come to be reflected within his work. Knowing exactly what he wanted to achieve through his stories, he would embark on a career dedicated to pursuing those particular interests.

Taking inspiration from the world around him, Taylor would insert something of himself into his own stories, thus giving them a unique style. Over time he would continue to develop his craft, all whilst taking in a whole wealth of different experiences, using it all as material for his next exciting story. This would also come to shape him as the writer that he currently is to this very day, as he still continues to put out work on a regular and consistent basis.

Writing Career

It would be back in 2012 that Zack Taylor would make his big break onto the literary scene with the title ‘Army of One’. This would also come to be the first in the series of the ‘Will Cooper Adventures’ novels, which would follow the eponymous hero throughout. Setting much of it in Iraq, he would go on to create and shape his stories from much of what was going on and happening in his own life. Moving the story around, it would appeal to readers from all backgrounds as, whatever happened, he would keep the characters themselves grounded, something which would really resonate with his audience.

Later he would also follow up his first title with the sequel novel ‘Fortune Won, Fortune Lost’, which would follow on with another adventure. Again this would feature a lot of inspiration from Taylor’s own day-to-day life, whilst injecting a large amount of action and excitement into it, in order to keep it moving. The series itself was well received, along with a collection of poetry, leading to a lot of room to continue expanding upon the writing career of Zack Taylor indefinitely.

Army of One

Publishing it himself though his own ‘Zack Taylor Books’ publishing label, this would be the first title in the ongoing ‘Will Cooper Adventures’ series. Setting up the franchise as a whole, it would also manage to establish all the characters for the first time as well, giving an idea of what was to come. With an entirely self-contained narrative too, it draws from elements of Zack’s own life, along with the friends and people that he’s met along the way.

Fun and engaging in equal measure, this really was the book that established Taylor as a serious writing presence. Getting to the heart of his protagonist, he displays Will Cooper as a man who is really living on the edge looking to get things done. Not only that, but he also works at giving each of his characters an individual voice, enabling them to become far more three-dimensional off the page. The setting of Iraq is also extremely well established too, as the sheer open expanse of the desert is vividly drawn for the reader.

Sharing a unique and life-changing experience with his friend Harvey, Will Cooper is a man who’s definitely on a mission. Embarking on a rescue out in the Iraqi desert, they know they have their work cut out for them, facing all manner of uncertainty and possible danger. It is through this danger and challenge that they will truly find themselves though, as they get to see what it is that they’re really made of. Not only that, but they may also find that they will face unforeseen circumstances, ones that will see them managing a balancing act, as they attempt to save their own futures in the process. Will they manage to do it and save the day? Can they complete the rescue in time? What will happen as Will Cooper becomes an army of one?

Fortune Won, Fortune Lost

Released through his own publishing outlet once again, this ‘Zack Taylor Books’ imprint carries on from the last one. Picking up where the previous story left off, it manages to carry on in much the same vein as before, whilst also providing an entirely new adventure in the process. First published in 2013, it was originally released on the 26th of August to an already eagerly awaiting audience of readers.

Continuing the action, this really manages to build upon much of what came in the previous book before. Allowing the character to develop, it really evolves the world and the many people that happen to inhabit it throughout. Learning who he really is and what he has to offer too, Will Cooper is definitely a protagonist with a sense of drive and ambition about him. With the action taking place internationally this time as well, this title definitely manages to make the most of its many locations too.

Looking to live the simple life and put his past behind him, Will Cooper is drawn into the thick of it once again. This time he’s dragged into the center of a conflict between two highly prominent families, as they’re both unable to provide any easy answers. Taking him from Wyoming to all across the world, this is an international adventure that provides Will with far more questions than answers. Surrounded by an increasing sense of confusion, he is someone who is definitely looking to get the job done, whatever it takes. Will he manage to save the day once again? Where will his journey take him next? What will happen as he finds his fortune won, fortune lost?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Zack Taylor

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