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Christopher Reich Books In Order

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Publication Order of Jonathan Ransom Books

Rules of Deception(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rules of Vengeance(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rules of Betrayal(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Mac Dekker Books

Publication Order of Simon Riske Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Numbered Account(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Runner(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
The First Billion(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Devil's Banker(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Patriots Club(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Prince of Risk(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Invasion of Privacy(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

American author Christopher Reich is well known now for his various novels that primarily concentrate on the thriller genre of fiction. Born in Tokyo and brought up in America, Reich witnessed a variety of life from an early age, as he drew from it all for what was to be a promising writing career later on. Now living in Santa Fe, California, he continues to write regularly as his popularity grows from strength-to-strength.

Early and Personal Life

Born on the 12th of November, 1961, Christopher Reich started his life in Tokyo before moving to America in 1965. Living in Los Angeles, he then attended the Carl Curtis School for a brief time, before transferring over to the Harvard School for Boys. It was here in high-school that he had many experiences that determined his later life, one of them being the time he went away for the summer to the ‘Outward Bound East Africa’ camp situated there. Camping in Kenya helped provide him with a wealth of material that stuck with him throughout his adult life, making him the writer that he is today.

Later after graduating in 1979, he went on to attend the Georgetown University where he became a member of the ‘Delta Phi Epsilon’ fraternity. It was here that he was to gain inspiration for more of his material, further growing into the person that he is today. Graduating with honors in history, he went on to become a stockbroker for some time. That was when he went back to business school to learn the trade even further. He then went into stockbroking once again, this time in Geneva, Switzerland, an experience which was to inform his most recent greatly received novel ‘The Prince of Risk’.

Writing Career

Publishing his first novel ‘Numbered Account’ in 1998, Christopher Reich was to have the theme of finance running throughout his literary career. Using his many experiences from his days as a stockbroker, he was to take his inside look into this high-stakes world and implement it all into his work. The result being that he has created fiction that is extremely close to fact, in both it’s in-depth nature and overall tone. Adding to that, he has also made it thrilling through its easily-accessible and page-turning style. This can be seen with both the critical and commercial success he has garnered over the years.

In 2000 he went on to write ‘The Runner’, which became a New York Times bestseller the same as his first, thus securing his reputation as a popular and commercially viable writer of modern fiction. Not without international acclaim as well, his first book has been translated into over twenty-three different languages, having sold approximately one million copies. His later works, publishing nine books and counting, have also frequently been seen topping the bestseller lists over and over again. He’s also published a book of short-stories titled ‘Assassins’ in 2006, comprising an anthology of thriller shorts.

Currently residing in California to this day, he continues to write his unique brand of financial thriller. With a number of awards growing every year, he’s garnering a huge amount of critical acclaim. This along with his ever increasing popularity and commercial success means that he will continue writing from now into the foreseeable future.

Numbered Account

Initially published on the 1st of December, 1998, this was the first novel from Christopher Reich. Introducing his readers to his unique take on the financial thriller, it holds all the typical hallmarks that his readers have become accustomed to over the years. In it he depicts his protagonist in the form of Nick Neumann, a financial go-getter who seemingly has everything he could’ve ever hoped for.

With a beautiful loving fiancee and a top career amongst the brightest and best of Wall Street he’s really going up in the world with his first class degree from Harvard. This has all become a smoke-screen though for his haunted past, whereby his father was murdered brutally seventeen years previously when he was just a small boy. All this appears to be in the past though, that is until new evidence in his father’s murder case comes back to haunt him once more.

The employer of his father, the ‘United Swiss Bank’ may have had more to do with the killing than it first appeared. One problem though is that Nick doesn’t have anything to go on, with nothing more than a rumor at this point. That’s when he devises a plan to learn the truth by going to work for them going over everything his father did during his ill-fated career. During the course of this he comes across something so horrendous that even justice itself may not be enough for Nick. What conspiracy lies in wait for Nick Neumann and his covert investigation? Could he himself have a secret linked to his past that he never knew existed? Will he ever get true justice for his father and at what cost?

The Runner

Published in 2001 on the 9th of October, this was the second book from Christopher Reich which was also to top the New York Times bestseller list. In it he brings his readers into the setting of post-World War 2 Germany, which acts as a backdrop to the novels events. Devlin Judge is to fly to Europe to attend the trial of Nazi war criminals at a tribunal in July, 1945. The thing is, he has plans of his own; to attempt to find the man responsible for the death of his brother, one Erich Siegfried Seyss.

It appears that Seyss doesn’t have any intention of being tried though, as he escapes a POW camp leaving a number of bodies in his wake, all whilst evading capture using his skills as an Olympic sprinter. Devlin is determined to capture the SS officer and bring him to justice at whatever cost. Amidst all this is the beautiful daughter of one of Nazi Germany’s most prominent families and she’s loved by both men.

Will Devlin be able to find the man responsible for the death of his brother, or will Seyss continue to evade capture by running free from justice? Can they put aside their feelings for the woman, or will they be overcome by it all? What will become of them both as one man chases the runner?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Christopher Reich

2 Responses to “Christopher Reich”

  1. Joseph Muñatones: 2 years ago

    J.Ransom books great reading. Hard to put down. Hope a follow-up to Rules of Betrayal is coming soon!

  2. Diane N Nayda: 3 years ago

    I have just finished reading the Jonathan Ransom series for a second time and hope that the series will be rekindled. Congratulations on your masterful body of literary work.


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