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T. M. Frazier Books In Order

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Publication Order of Dark Light of Day Books

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Publication Order of King Books

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Publication Order of The Outskirts Duet Books

Publication Order of The Pawn Duet Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

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Author T. M. Frazier was born September 21, 1981 and she enjoys writing male anti-heroes and strong female protagonists. She is best known for writing the “King” series and her work has reached the top of the USA Today Bestseller list.

Her novel “Preppy Part One” was a finalist for having the Best Romance novel of the year in 2016 from Goodreads Choice Award.

Living in Southwest Florida, she has no clue how to dress for the cold. She lives with her husband and daughter.

When she was only eleven, she was with a group of writers that was called AUTHORS CLUB. In this group that she was a part of, her and other little girls worked on writing fiction together. She did not know it then, but life would come full circle later on in her life.

She went to Florida Gulf Coast University and wanted to become a reporter (which she had every intention of doing, at least at first, anyway) before being pulled into real estate, where she would work in sales for more than ten years of her life.

She always wanted to be a writer (more than anything else), and with her husband cheering her on, not to mention staying up late a lot of nights she was able to do so and accomplish her life’s dream. Her first novel, called “The Dark Light of Day”, was published in the year 2013. She has yet to look back, and will not ever do so.

Frazier writes romantic suspense novels. Some of her series include: the “King” series and “The Outskirts Duet”; she has also written some stand alone work.

“King” is the first novel in the “King” series and was released in the year 2015. Doe does not remember where she comes from or who she even is.

King has just been released from prison, and he has built a reputation as a criminal. He is someone you do not want to cross, unless you will pay him back in such things as pussy, blood, or sweat, or a combination of the three.

King’s future is uncertain at the moment, whereas Doe’s has been written by what happened in her past. When the pair crash together, they are to have to figure out that sometimes if you want to hold on to something, you have to let go first.

This is a novel that is hard to put down, with its steamy romance, shocking revelations, humorous one liners, and plot twists. Fans of the novel is one of the best in the game of writing dark romance out there; her writing is compelling and strong. She writes about characters that have both good and bad qualities to them, they even make you wonder if you like or hate them at certain moments. They are complicated, which is the thing that makes them so fascinating.

“Tyrant” is the second novel in the “King” series and was released in the year 2015. Doe now remembers it all, and now wishes that she did not. The fog in her mind is no longer there, revealing the truth to her that has been out of reach for months. She does not feel the relief she thought she would, and gets more scared than that morning she was cuffed in King’s bed.

The truth gives her all kinds of awful secrets that she was never meant to know. She is going to put lives of loved ones at risk if she lets on about her memory returning, or if she tries to get help from King, the heavily tattooed convict that owns her body and soul.

She does not know if she has the strength to resist the magnetic pull that pushes her more and more to King, which is growing stronger with each day. He has saved her in more ways than just the one. Now she must do what it takes to pull his fat out of the fire. Even if she has to marry someone else to do it.

Even with a strong first half, the second half of the story was even better. Fans of the novel waited a long time for this novel to be released, and were rewarded with a killer read that wowed them. This novel was even better than the first book in the series. Here is an author with a strong writing style, who is pretty blunt when she says things (something that a lot of people enjoy reading).

“Lawless” is the third novel in the “King” series and was released in the year 2015. This is a story about Bear, who was in some of the other books in the series. Thia is all prim and proper, whereas Bear is just leather and lawless. The lie that they tell themselves is that it will not work between them. They almost believe it too.

Readers were hooked right from the start of this novel, and could not put the book down for very long. This is a book full of suspense, romance, and beautifully broken and flawed characters. Some readers cannot get enough of her work, and feel they have to read everything that she writes. Fans of the novel were wanting to know Bear’s story since they met him in “King”, and were glad they got to read about him.

“Soulless” is the fourth novel in the “King” series and was released in the year 2016. This is the second part of Lawless, and the big finale to Thia and Bear’s big love story.

Some hope this series goes on and on for many installments, because if this series should end, for whatever reason, that would create a giant hole in some readers’ reading worlds. Fans could not wait until they got their hands on this story, as they were able to finish Bear and Thia’s story, which allowed them to get some closure on how their story ends. Here is a fast paced story that does nothing but entertain and will most likely please die hard fans of this series. This is an author that knows how to make people not only read her work, but keep them coming back for more and more of her new works of fiction.

Book Series In Order » Authors » T. M. Frazier

One Response to “T. M. Frazier”

  1. Diana Renteria: 4 years ago

    I love your King series..I
    Read all your books, especially LOVED
    PREPPY…Will there be more books coming


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