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Patrick Lee is an American author born in 1976; he began his career writing screenplays before finally making the leap to novels.


Born in Michigan, Patrick Lee might describe his life as being relatively uneventful; as a child, and teenager, Patrick had a passion for video games, a passion he fed voraciously; as a young man he began pursuing movies and would go on to write two screen plays. He sold them to a Hollywood Studio; however none of them have ever been produced.

Describing his protagonists as rugged handsome men of strength, Patrick blames his failure on Hollywood’s prejudice against specific heroic archetypes. Patrick Lee will admit to having spent a considerable portion of his twenties doing absolutely nothing, his screen writing endeavors failing to deliver results and Patrick more than content to keep beating the dead horse that was his movie career.

It wasn’t until he reached his thirties that it occurred to Patrick that he might be able to apply his writing skills in a manner different from what he had initially envisioned; and thus he finally began injecting his efforts into creating stories for novels.

Patrick Lee’s big break came when he signed Janet Reid from FinePrint as his agent; she managed to sell his first two books for a sizeable amount; at that point, Patrick admitted expressing relief that he had finally found his calling.

The Breach

30 years ago in a facility now buried beneath a vast emptiness, an experiment went terribly wrong, and the result: a door was opened. It is the world’s best kept and most terrifying secret.

Travis Chase is an ex cop (and ex con) that is trying to find himself a semblance of life in the wild landscapes of Alaska. What he stumbles upon is a scene that can’t be explained: a 747 passenger jet, crashed and filled with the corpses of the dead, including the wife of the President of the U.S.

While nightmarish in its own right, however, Travis is yet to experience the true horror of what is about to come, his life thrown into chaos as he is forced to participate in a battle for an artifact with the power impact the future.

Now allied with a covert operative (of ostensible beauty) that he saved, Travis is does not quite understand the role he is expected to play. Is he a pawn of forces far too incomprehensible to grasp? Or could he be man’s final hope for salvation?

Something is loose in the world and a race towards the apocalypse has finally begun.

The Breach is Patrick Lee’s first novel; it has been described on several occasions as being not only fun but a little ludicrous. The number of twists and turns is almost innumerable, especially as the story draws to a close.

At one point the plot of ‘The Breach’ becomes more of a puzzle for which one must have the greatest levels of patience to not only filter the information that is delivered in such a dizzying manner but to also make sense of the final picture.

For most people, enjoyment comes once you finally decide to give up on the notion of trying to make sense of the madness that is Patrick Lee’s plot, especially with the suspension of belief that is required.

The story of ‘The Breach’ follows Travis Chase. The hero of the story, Travis was hiking peacefully in the wilderness of the Alaska one random day when he came upon the remnants of a crashed plane in the woods. Upon attempting to rescue potential survivors, he is horrified at the scene of death that he encounters while also mystified by the large number of high ranking government officials on board, many of them military.

And in trying to decipher the meaning of it all, Travis is thrown headlong into an adventurous journey. Once the action starts, it simply does not stop, somehow managing to pick up the pace with each new chapter before hitting its climax.

For a first time writer, Patrick Lee manages to hold his own against more experienced writers by producing a book that, for many readers, is an astonishingly fun read. Most people, whether they have ever heard of Patrick Lee or not, might be surprised by the sheer fun they encounter reading the novel.

The fact that the story is so unpredictable makes it that much harder to believe that this is actually a novel from a first time writer.

Ghost Country

For several years now, technology of an inexplicable kind has been transitioning through an anomalous entity known as the Breach into the human world. The latest of these devices has the ability to punch holes into the future.

The worst day of Paige Campbell’s life was when she opened a door into 70 years from now. Along with her Tangent colleagues, Paige brought her discovery to the president; a visit that ended with automatic gunfire and murder, with Paige as the only survivor.

Travis abandoned Tangent after learning (from the other side of the Breach) the terrifying destiny awaiting him. He also abandoned Paige Campbell. And now he has to go back to rescue her. Paige knows of the events that destiny has in store for the world, a planet of the bones and corpses of billions. Paige knows the ugly truth; that Doomsday will dawn in four short months unless they can discover a truth that could save everyone, buried in the ruins to come.

Paige and Travis will have to make the difficult decision to cross into Ghost Country, knowing that they might never return.

Ghost Country is the second novel in Patrick Lee’s series; and it is a novel that is difficult to hate. Patrick’s words evoke very powerful and eerie images of a truly dead country. The action sequences are so epic and fluid that they almost feel cinematic, especially with all the gun battles.

And the revelations are handled brilliantly, designed to shock and confound; never rushed and rarely out of place. Admittedly, for many readers, the novel fails to capture the epic payoff of its predecessors. Even taking into account the high expectations, too many questions were left dangling and unanswered; though that doesn’t make the novel any less impressive.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Patrick Lee

4 Responses to “Patrick Lee”

  1. carl holmes: 3 years ago

    just finished Only to die again,a Sam Dryden story.VG

  2. Craig Erhorn: 3 years ago

    Patrick seems to have disappeared from writing any more stories. What happened?

  3. Ron Marshall: 3 years ago

    Hi Again – Greatest Book Site on Internet!

    Patrick Lee – Canyon Secret 2008

    Best Regards Ron

    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      Hi Ron – I believe that one is by a different Patrick Lee.


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