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Dan Brown Books In Order

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Publication Order of Robert Langdon Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Digital Fortress(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Deception Point(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Picture Books

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

187 Men to Avoid(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
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About Dan Brown:

Dan Brown, the Author of the Fastest Selling Adult Novel in History.

Early life

The author of the best-seller “ The Da Vinci Code ” was born on June 22, 1964 in Exeter, New Hampshire. His father being a mathematics teacher at the Phillips Exeter Academy, the young Dan Brown grew up in the Campus with his two younger siblings and his mother, a singer and musician. In the year 1986 he graduated in English and Spanish at the Amherst College. The will to establish himself as a singer and songwriter brought him to move to Los Angeles, where he worked as a Spanish teacher at Beverly Hills Preparatory school and where he met his wife to be: Blythe Newlon. Despite Dan Brown’s talent as a songwriter he never seemed able to gain sufficient appreciation as a performer, so in 1993 he decided to go back to New Hampshire to work as an English teacher at the Phillips Exeter Academy.

Writing career

About the start of his writing career, Brown himself tells that after finishing “ The Doomsday Conspiracy ” by Sidney Sheldon during an holiday in Tahiti he just thought “ I can do that ”. It was 1994; four years later, in 1998 Dan Brown was already a full time writer and had his first thriller published with the title “ Digital Fortress ”. Blythe, who had become his wife in the year 1997 was an enthusiastic promoter of Brown’s work, she organized interviews, wrote press releases and booked talk shows. In 2000 and 2001 “ Angels and Demons ” and “ Deception Point ” were published and Brown’s best known character, the symbology expert from Harvard David Langdon, had already done his first appearance.

However, Dan Brown hasn’t reached great success till the publishing of his fourth novel, the second featuring Robert Langdon as main character: “ The Da Vinci Code ”, published in 2003 to become one of the best sellers in history. About 40 million copies were sold by the year 2006, also pushing the selling of Brown’s earliest novels which all entered The New York Times list in the same week in the year 2004. The success of the book was followed by the success of the movie inspired by The Da Vinci code, released in 2006, directed by Ron Howard and featuring Tom Hanks in the role of Robert Langdon.

In the year 2009 “The Lost Symbol” sold over a million copies on its first day, in the same year the movie “ Angels and Demons ” was released reaffirming the revaluation of Brown’s earlier works and his role as one of the best thriller writers of our times. His last novel “Inferno” , a mystery thriller on Dante’s Divine Comedy, was published on May 14, 2013 and was predictably a best seller from its first week. Although his novels have already been translated in 52 languages and sold a total of 200 million copy as for 2012, Brown doesn’t look willing to stop writing, during an interview in the year 2006 he affirmed that he has ideas to have Robert Langdon as main character of more 12 novels.

The Da Vinci Code

In Dan Brown’s novels recurrent themes such as cryptography, symbology, codes and conspiracy often find links to historical and religious themes. The Da Vinci Code, published in 2003 starts with a man, the curator of the Louvre, found dead in the museum with strange symbols written all over his body. The Harvard symbology expert Robert Langdon is called to investigate on the murder and to guide the reader through a perilous journey across symbols, puzzles, codes and a battle between the Opus Dei and The Priority of Sion at the end of which there is an explosive and hidden truth which could waver the solid tenets of Christianity.

Da Vinci, who gives the novel its title is believed to be part of the conspiracy guarding the secrets about Jesus Christ’s possible progeny. Robert Langdon and the cryptologist Sophie Neveu embark in the difficult task of decoding the puzzles and secret symbols that could be hidden in Leonardo’s pieces. The central point of the alternative religious history would see the Merovingian kings of France as descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.

For its controversial content the book has been denounced to be anti-Christian and to represent an attack to the Catholic Church and Dan Brown was accused of having been inaccurate as far as history and science are concerned. Nonetheless the novel also encouraged popular interest in the Holy Grail legend and Mary Magdalene role in Christianity. As of 2013 “ The Da Vinci Code ” sold 81 million copies and has been translated in 44 different languages.


The fourth book of the Robert Langdon series was released in 2013 to be an immediate best seller, when he was asked to comment it he said: ” With this new novel, I am excited to take readers on a journey deep into this mysterious realm … a landscape of codes, symbols, and more than a few secret passageways.” From Dan Brown’s words the most affectionate fans can already understand that the recurrent elements are there and they probably will not be disappointed: Professor Robert Langdon travelling the world to untangle world historical mysteries is a must in Dan Brown thrillers.

This time the set is Florence and the code to decipher is in Dante’s Divine Comedy Inferno. The novel opens with Robert Langdon waking up in a hospital in Florence and trying to remember what happened to him during the previous few days. The main character is followed by a mad-scientist villain who also is a fanatical of Dante’s Inferno. The two establish some kind of communication based on the interpretation of Dante’s text that lead to a fast paced chase full of accidents and exotic locations which really grab the reader from the cover to the end.

Inferno is rich in historical and cultural references, from Florence architecture, to classical art, to the allegories of Dante’s masterpiece, elements that show a great work of research from the author. The great ability of Dan Brown is to always keeping the story in the first place, never making it stop completely to give space to long explanations or dissertations. The result is a novel easier to read, entertaining but with a lot of cultural and historical information and sparks for further research on the reader’s part.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Dan Brown

10 Responses to “Dan Brown”

  1. Ina: 2 years ago

    The Brown’s books are the best of the best. I love them but why there is no new books like these? I really hope for a new book!!!

  2. Pops: 3 years ago

    I have listened by audio books, to all 7 of Dan Browns books. They are brilliant. I keep looking to see if there is a new one, but alas, no. I’ll have to listen to them all again. Terrific author!!

  3. Ndubuisi Sabina: 3 years ago

    Well, I’ll say the books are more then amazing, Actually I couldn’t finish them, but… I love ANGELS AND DEMONS and the DA VINCI CODE

    • John Oakley: 3 years ago

      I had never read any novels until I read The Da Vinci code and since then I have read all seven novels one after the other what fantastic reading.

  4. catherine buenaventura: 7 years ago

    all of Dan Brown’s works are my favorite. he gave words to the things that I wonder for so many years. and I am still waiting for the other stories of Robert Langdon. I am big fan of his works. great job!

  5. McDaddy: 7 years ago

    I have most of Dr Brown’s book, 4 of them are illustrated version, 2 are of hardcover; “Deception Point” and “Origin”. Are there any plans to make these two Illustrated?

  6. Moses Peraza: 7 years ago

    Angels and Demons in my opinion was the best book Dan Brown wrote.

    • Ross Hughson: 4 years ago

      I agree 100%. Although not as famous as “The DaVinci Code”, i find it to be the best of all his works. I would be embarrassed to tell you how many times I’ve read it. 🙂

  7. David Gibbs: 7 years ago

    The critical reviews of the Da Vinci code were scathing to say the least.

  8. Saywat Lolz: 10 years ago

    i’ve never read a book in a public bus, but inferno was is too good i just can’t put it down…dan brown you are a genius in mystery, thriller books….thumb up!!!!


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